The Chicago way, now shut up.


New member
You're making the assumption that the "average" person knows anything more than what they see in the movies. This type of thing is very effective at stirring up the general population, they don't know any better. It's why they do it in the first place.


New member
One reason why I cancelled my News Subscription. Biased reporting by reporters just wanting to substantiate their point of view, create fear and anger, and further someone elses agenda instead of reporting facts for us to make a decision. There should be a national drive to cancel subscriptions to get the point across.

+1k ammo

New member
Yes, the reporters have a way of bending stories and also picking which ones out of the thousands get into the paper.

Once I was actually in the story and saw how completely inaccurate the reporting is. They are so hungry for news that the top billing gets all the attention no matter what.

I don't even read anymore.


New member
I wish they would display the shooters. If I was a betting man, I would hazard that most were not "law-abiding" citizens and most likely had prior criminal records. I would bet many were also gang members at the age where they are lumped into the "children" category for violence statistics. The slaves of the state are bused to poles to vote for free hand-outs...that's how tyrants govern...pretty sad. Add to the fact we have an entire media culture that no longer lets the facts get in the way of a good story.
