The Brady's and LCAV's Makeovers

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
You may or maynot be aware that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is doing a makeover (to preserve their relevance). You can see the results at We Are Better Than This!

This occured in mid-August.

Now, the Legal Community Against Violence (LCAV - a San Francisico attorney group) has done the same thing. They are now the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV - it just doesn't resonate as well). Going to their old website, redirects you to

Better yet, they are more critical of the States gun-laws than were the Brady's.

It should come as no surprise, which States have received an "A" and which were given an "F" (Idaho rated an "F" - Yippee)!!


New member
Sooooo according to that map, Montana has more gun deaths than Illinois? Do the people who publish this stuff actually believe their own lies?

Georgia got a D! That's the only time I've been happy with a D


New member
I notice every time i see political ads like these they refer to "protecting the second amendment", or "acknowledge second amendment rights while looking for solutions that will save lives" but they never state how they plan to do both at the same time. Maybe because they cant.


New member
Ha! I made the same grade on my stat test as my state did. great!

BarryLee said:
This is a travesty I demand to know why we didn’t get an F?

I would reckon it is because while GA is a shall issue state, you still have to go see the probate judge and then get fingerprinted before they let issue said permit.


New member
As a Texan, I'm honored to receive the F awarded to us. And I think it's about time we were properly recognized for our gun laws and their "shortcomings". :D


New member
I don't think I want to know what letter grade Maryland has. I would guess an A. Wish it was here like it was when I lived in Oregon and Montana.
Hmmm ...

As the nation’s only organization devoted exclusively to providing legal assistance in support of gun violence prevention, LCAV is actively involved in supporting state and local governments’ defense of Second Amendment litigation, educating courts, governments, and the public about the meaning of the Second Amendment, and developing common sense gun violence prevention legislation that complies with the Heller decision.
Read their information about the 2nd Amendment, the Heller case and the McDonald case, and you have to ask yourself: How can they presume to educate anyone about the 2nd Amendment when it's painfully obvious they don't understand it themselves?
How can they presume to educate anyone about the 2nd Amendment when it's painfully obvious they don't understand it themselves?
Oh, they understand it well enough to distort its meaning.

Remember when they were swearing that the 2nd Amendment was about the National Guard and had nothing to do with individual liberty? Well, Heller blew that out of the water, so they had to shift gears. That's when we started hearing about "reasonable" regulation.

It's the same thing any PR company does well: damage control.
Tom Servo said:
Oh, they understand it well enough to distort its meaning.

Remember when they were swearing that the 2nd Amendment was about the National Guard and had nothing to do with individual liberty? Well, Heller blew that out of the water, so they had to shift gears. That's when we started hearing about "reasonable" regulation.

It's the same thing any PR company does well: damage control.
Yes, and it's also when we started hearing that the 2nd Amendment is about having the right to keep a gun for self defense in the home. Curiously, I have gone back and read it again ... several times ... and none of the copies I've been able to find seem to have the words "in the home" anywhere to be found.

I know, you know, and a lot of thinking people know. It's the others we have to worry about.