The bleating of terrified sheeple


Staff Alumnus

6 train halted in liquid bomb scare


Cops halted a Manhattan subway and examined passengers carrying bottled water and other drinks yesterday after a concerned tipster reported seeing a bottle of suspicious liquid on the No.6 train, police and witnesses said.

The startling spot check was not part of a wider NYPD counterterrorism initiative and had no connection to the thwarted British terror plot to use liquid explosives to blow up passenger jets, authorities said.

It was a routine response to a suspicious package - but several passengers were still alarmed.

"This is a new level of fear, watching for people carrying drinks on the subway," said Wallis Post, 25, of Manhattan, who was on the train searched by cops at the 51st St. station and again at Grand Central Terminal.

Cops halted the subway about 9 a.m. shortly after a tipster reported seeing a suspicious bottle of liquid on the train at 125th St., police said.

"Is anyone carrying a liquid?" a uniformed cop asked after boarding the train with another officer at 51st St., according to Post and another passenger.

Another cop then said into her hand-held radio: "We're looking for the high alert," prompting a few frightened passengers to get off the train, the witnesses said.

As the cops held the train, a woman in a gym outfit held up a Poland Spring water bottle with red juice inside it and told them, "I have this."

The cops asked if the liquid had spilled on anything and then took it, Post said.

After a five-minute delay, the train was allowed to depart the station, but when it rolled into Grand Central another cop got on and asked: "Has anyone seen a liquid?"

Cops again searched the train before deciding there was no threat, Post said.

After British intelligence agents exposed the liquid-bomb terror plot this month, airlines banned nearly all liquids - including shampoo, drinks and suntan lotion - from carry-on bags.

But the city's security level has remained at orange, where it has been since 9/11.

Though the NYPD tweaked some of its counterterrorism safeguards based upon information from Scotland Yard, it has not started searching for suspicious liquids on trains, authorities said.

Originally published on August 23, 2006


When I lived in NYC (Manhattan) I once saw a suspicious liquid on a subway train I was riding (7th Ave line). The bum who was passed out and prone on the seat beside me had urinated and it was running down the seat toward me. I sure wish I'd had Homeland Security available that day. Luckily, I was able to take evasive action before the liquid reached me.


After a five-minute delay, the train was allowed to depart the station, but when it rolled into Grand Central another cop got on and asked: "Has anyone seen a liquid?"
To which the only reasonable response is, "no, but I see an idiot."


"Is anyone carrying a liquid?" a uniformed cop asked after boarding the train with another officer at 51st St., according to Post and another passenger.

Naturally, any terrorist with an explosive liquid concoction would raise his hand and say, "I am, sir!" :barf:

Maybe there was a typo: it should have said "an uninformed cop"... :rolleyes:
What kind of idiot, in a search for what may be dangerous contraband possessed with terrorist intent, would go asking the terrorists to just give themselves away? :mad:



There was a movie with Pierce Brosnan in it, "Live Wire," where some evil terrorist person/people had come up with a colorless, tasteless, odorless liquid that, when ingested, would cause a human being to explode like a bomb when water was introduced...

This stuff kinda makes me think of that movie, 'cause I was wondering why that woman with the red juice in the Poland Spring bottle didn't just say, "Hey, dummy, how about if I DRINK the stuff, you don't have to CONFISCATE it and WASTE it on me."

This is from the IMDB: "Danny O'Neill is a bomb disposal expert assigned to a case where terrorists have developed an "invisible" liquid explosive which is activated within the human body. The target of the terrorists are US senators, one of which is having an affair with Danny's wife."

Interesting premise. I don't really remember if it was a worth-watching movie, but when the people explode, it was pretty interesting.



New member

the cop was British? I mean after all, they believe that criminals have the right to attack you in your own home and that self-defense is a no no because violence against violent criminals is not the answer.
