The Black Widowmaker lives again!!


New member
Many old timers here might remember the Widowmaker.
To refresh memories, it was a Glock 30 carried in, what else, but a Bianchi Black Widow holster!! ;)


Well, it just didn't fit my hand right and got traded for a Glock 36, which I am fond of, but it just wasn't the same!!

Well, thanks to the Purveyor of Perfection's introduction of the G30SF, the decimater of Goblin dreams lives again!!

I give you the new Black Widowmaker!!! :cool:


I took it out to the new Buckeye Hills range in Buckeye AZ, which, by the way, is run by the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department for it's first break in.

150 gobangs no stoppages.
It did, however, shoot high.
I'm guessing that was due to my unfamiliarity with the crappy Glock sights, which ordinarily would never make it home attached to the gun!!

I also forgot about that annoying gap between the magwell and the baseplate and suffered a blister on my little finger! That will eventually be solved by flush fitting nine round mags!!

I'm not sure what to make of the rail yet!!

One amusing story about gunshop dweebs is in order.
I saved the G21 mags that I had for the old 30.
I asked this goof if they would work in the new pistol.
"Oh no, he said, you have to buy all new high cap mags!!!" (hint hint)
Testing at the range proved the error of his statement!! :rolleyes:

Obamagoons beware!! :eek:
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Officer's Match

New member
Back in the day, if you wanted SF, that meant an expensive trip to Robbie Barkkman!!

Or you could slowly heat the backstrap over a candle and roll it on a tabletop to reduce the backstrap by reforming it. It works very well.

And congrats on your new SF.


New member
I love the creative stuff people stick through the trigger guards of their pistols for pictures. I don't think I've seen a yellow highlight marker yet. Kudo's. :)

The irony of sticking something in the trigger guard of a Glock is kind of funny too... I mean given all the discussion about their lack of a manual safety and in light of the whole Plexico fiasco. :p

You can prop pistols up other ways... just so you know. Sticking random things (knives, shotgun shells, markers, pens, etc.) through the trigger guard totally mucks up the picture and makes is quite ugly.



Isn't that purdy? :) All propped up and I don't have a fuel pump from a 1972 Ford Pinto sticking through the trigger guard.


New member
You can prop pistols up other ways... just so you know. Sticking random things (knives, shotgun shells, markers, pens, etc.) through the trigger guard totally mucks up the picture and makes is quite ugly.

What's the point in bothering? It's a picture of a Glock for cryin' out loud! :p

Just pickin' :D Nice carry set up, denfoot.



New member
Ahhhh, somebody DOES remember!!! :D

Thanks Pete!! ;)

Herr Machinegun, it's not a marker, per se, but a white out pen!!! :p


New member
Hehe, I was just goofing around. I do think it's kind of funny all the stuff I see stuck in trigger guards though. :D

Nice pistol though.


New member
All propped up and I don't have a fuel pump from a 1972 Ford Pinto sticking through the trigger guard.

I need that fuel pump if you ain't gonna pose yer guns with it. Momma's got a docter's visit tomorry.

Congrats on the new sidearm. ;)


New member
so what did you prop the revolver up with mr. fancy pants?
Are you ready for this? Here it is.


I just used on of the several 45 GAP rounds that found its way into my Dillon 650. I just stuck it upright under the hammer and poof, instant elevation that's invisible to the camera.


New member
I just used on of the several 45 GAP rounds that found its way into my Dillon 650. I just stuck it upright under the hammer and poof, instant elevation that's invisible to the camera.

Hey, the GAP is useful afterall...

J/K :D
