The Birds and the Bees.

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I read on another forum where some guys were talking about shooting Carpenter Bees with Single-Sixes and the crimped shot. I have them everywhere because I have a Cedar sided house. I got me a box of crimped shot and since I had the bear-cat handy I opted to use it. I have about twenty rounds of the 50 round box left and I have eliminated about 10 of the buggers. It is quite entertaining, you kind of have to wait til they are not in line with anything you don't wanna shoot and then they just give you a second or two to line em up. It has been quite effective and it is kind of fun. Any of you guys ever do this? I called this thread the Birds and the Bees due to the little Phoenix's on the Ruger.


New member
I spent many hours as a boy shooting those bees with a Daisy BB gun. It really sharpens the aim as they hover briefly before darting elsewhere. I have used 22 shot loads, but that gets expensive pretty quick, especially to a 10 year old kid.


Anybody ask the Bees what they think of that? :mad::mad:



New member
I havent shot a bee...... yet

But I was at my range a month or so ago and was lining up a barricade shot and a large black thing was hovering in front of my Glock 34, I took my focus from the front site and focused on the hovering insect, turned out it was a European wasp checking me out :eek: A slight change of aim and i squeezed off a round...... wasp disappeared :D I dont know if I actually hit it with the projectile, or if the muzzle blast took care of it :confused:

But I bet its ears were ringin' :D

At least it left me alone anyway, they are savage little bugga's :eek:



Anybody ask the Bees what they think of that?

Anybody ask what I think of the little buggers destroying anything made of wood on my deck?

+1 on taking out the European wasp. Those things are HUGE and quite vicious. Sorta like a yellow jacket on steroids and off his meds.


New member
I like to shoot flys with a bb-gun, garter snakes with a air rifle, and big grasshoppers with a slingshot, but I'v not tryed carpenter bees. I collect obscure ammo and a few years ago I picked up a little paper shotshell that fits a 22lr and reserch claims that they were used in United Kingdome to shoot butterflys by collectors. I don't know how small the shot is or even what it is made of, as I only have the one sample and won't open it.


Man they're all over the place here. The back porch and both outbuildings are just peppered with holes from those damn bees. I have used ratshot in my .22 revolvers and it's a lot of fun but what I've found to be much more effective at creating a high body count is a badminton racket. I really kill the hell out of `em with the racket and no, my fruit trees don't suffer a bit. There are plenty of other bees that aren't destructive for that.


New member
My brother deceided to Shoot a nest in the bush with crossman pump BB/Pellet gun,what a huge mistake that was. The nest was the home of white tip hornets,I think thats there name.They are all black with a few white markings in there body I think by there rear.

Well When they started to come and buzzing around only one thing came to mind and that was to run.They came out very very angry and We ran as fast as we can and as my brother had left me in the dust,as I heard buzzing pass by my head followed by screaming by my brother he had been stung about half dozen times,to the neck,back,legs and arms.

Now I was either lucky because I wasn't stung or they are very very smart,I was not the shooter and knew who there home invader was and from what is was told in my area its the most painfull sting of all the bee,wasp or hornet family.

If you guys ever aim to shoot these suckers, dont miss because they will go in to full attack mode.
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Does that mean I have to start eating skunks, possums, coons, foxes, coyotes, roaches, copperheads, mice, rats and armadillos???


My brother deceided to Shoot a nest in the bush

I see your tag says "CT". That figures. Only a Yankee would think to shoot a hornet nest. DUH! :rolleyes: Us Southerners know better. Yup, those were "white tip" or "white face" hornets - the baddest of the bad. And yes, they DO know who attacked them. The guard at the entrance rats you out. They will sometimes chase you for a mile or more. If you dive into a lake, they will wait for you to come up.
"Only a Yankee would think to shoot a hornet nest. DUH!"

How about you keep a shorter leash on your regional invective?

I've been south of the Manson-Nixon line more than long enough to recognize that mouth breathing, knuckle dragging cretinous stupidity knows no regional, ethnic, or socio-economic boundaries.


New member
My brother deceided to Shoot a nest in the bush with crossman pump BB/Pellet gun,what a huge mistake that was.
No, no, you're supposed to walk up and grab the nest with your hand over the hole! That way they think they are going for a ride!;)

Does that mean I have to start eating skunks, possums, coons, foxes, coyotes, roaches, copperheads, mice, rats and armadillos???
Now that will make a man out of you!


New member
Bug Spray?

I think Raid makes a decent hornet/wasp spray. I'd give that a try before trying to shoot or stab them.
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