The biggest gun "whopper"

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New member
There always seems to be someone out there with some kind of claim to having seen, shot or witnessed some incredible gun stuff. While some of it might be liget, some of it is pure, unadulterated pukey. Here is one of my favotires.

Friend told me recently that her Dad picked up a gun in Europe that was not made for the general public and of course he was the only one who got a hold of one over there. It was a semi auto that would fit into the palm of your hand and held 16 rounds. She didn't know the caliber but the bullet according to her was no longer than a ½ inch. And it would blow the entire back off of a grown man. Plus, here is the kicker, it could stop a car if the block was shot. :p :p

Now top that one. :)

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!


New member
That if the 5.56x45 (military round) even hits you in the foot, or hand that you are dead within 10-15 minutes.

That the 7.62x51 (military round) will shoot through 2 school busses long ways, including their engines.

Lets not forget the guys who are pestering you at the range while your trying to get some practice/or sighting in. About how they know everything about firearms. How good of a shot they are. How they killed animals at X amount of hundred yards without a scope. Owned one of everything. Won every competition they've been in. Yet contradict themselves often within a few minutes, and get confused, or just plane ignore you when you ask a legitimate question, or mention their descripancy.

Rex Feral

New member
Damn, now the secret is out! That slimeball in Europe told me I had the only one! :mad:

Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.


New member
My NAA Mini in 22 Magnum, will go through 4 engine blocks and a house AND go through a piece of paper!!!

( as long as it doesn`t actually TOUCH any of the afore-mentioned items when passing through them...) ;)


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Ya gotta aim for openings to get maximum penetration, people.

I think it's getting rarer, but an Australian gun control advocate did tell me that even if we didn't ban handguns, we ought to ban Glocks. You see, our handguns are our problem, but Glocks pass through airport metal detectors undetected and are therefore international menaces on par with Carlos the Jackal.
(PS--Watch it, all you Europeans--notorious gangster/terrorist "Gaston the Frog" has reportedly been sighted in Austria. Let somebody else start the car, if you know what I mean...)


New member
Now top that one.

I've got one."

I've got 5 of them and 10 cases of those hot little ammo.

- Ron V.

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Long before this commercial version of the internet existed, Xerox had the second largest network supporting thousands of users--I supported over 3000 of them. We had email which could be directed to members of specific interests similar to today's forums.

One of the distribution lists (DLs) had a thread about guns and one of the sages on the net was saying as how a .38 spl could penetrate a car from bumper to bumper--and apparently believed it as did recipients.

Things got heated when I suggested that the smoke coming out of his barrel was not from gunpowder, but rather a locally growing weed.


Biggest whopper I ever heard was "My stock Mini-14/30 shoots 1" groups at 100 yds."

That European "hot" round is the new, 2000fps+ 5mm round that's available for military/l.e. only.


New member
I have a few

I saw the .45 auto that George Washington carried at Valley Forge.

DorGunR was actually in the balloon corps at Gettysburg, don't let him kid you (or was he Eddie Rickenbacker's tail gunner?).

I have the right to keep and bear arms.

God and soldiers, we adore
In times of danger, not before
With the danger safely righted
God is forgotten, and soldiers slighted


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by B24H:
I have a few

I saw the .45 auto that George Washington carried at Valley Forge.
I have the right to keep and bear arms.

Actually he carried the ax which he used to cut down the cherry tree as a young man . I was fortunate to actually hold the original one . Since he had owned it and I held it there were 2 heads and 3 handles replaced .I felt as though I was holding a piece of history . GOTCHA!!!



New member
Elmer Keith shot and killed a Mule Deer at 600 yards with a .44 Magnum revolver.

(I know that I am going to upset people by saying it isn't true.)


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by paratrooper:
I felt as though I was holding a piece of history

Paratrooper...was that "history" or "hickory"?



New member
" I bought a ma deuce from a farmers barn sale a few years ago, paid him twenty bucks for it. Even had the headspace thingy with it. Made a lamp out of it, don't know where it is now." Heard that from a customer bout a month ago.

Sam...follow me, I know a shortcut.


At a recent gun show from a dealer:

"This is the assault rifle the astronauts took to the moon. --Not the *style* of assault rifle! This is THE actual firearm!"

He had another semi-auto that the Martians left behind while they were helping the Egyptians build the pyramids.

He DID sell me a pair of hip waders . . .


New member
My Neutrino Quietenboomer will shoot sub-atomic particles at Warp 100, and will succesfully penetrate 10 black holes stacked end-to-end.
It has no recoil; in fact, when fired, the gun actually pulls you forward.

Click here for cheap tickets on the next Galaxial Express Shuttle: areyouanidiotwhobelievesanything?com . Visa and Mastercard only, please. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center

Snow Man

New member
9mm is as good as .45! And how about "Rugers are ugly." NOT true of mine, specially when it's in my hand!

[This message has been edited by Snow Man (edited July 16, 2000).]

Snow Man

New member
Oh, now I'm a "Senior Member!" You TFLers are pretty desperate to give ignorant me that title! ;) It's simply a "number of posts" thing, right?

...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
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