The Biggest/Baddest/Most Lethal...

Uncle Buck

New member
I read a lot of the threads here on TFL and I understand the different taste for different folks. But one thing I have pretty much come to ignore is the "Magnum vs. XXXX" threads and the "Revolver vs. Semi for defense" threads.

With a tongue in cheek overview, they usually go something like:

Well, the .357 magnum (or any other magnum) is the real mans weapon and if you have anything else you are just going to make the bad guy mad and he'll put a whipping on you."


Well, you have to have forty rounds of 9mm (.40 cal, what-ever) in order to stop a BG. A revolver only has six rounds and if you miss, or are attacked by a hoard of screaming, wild-eyed, crazies, you will die while trying to reload.

In both instances, I really believe the person making these comments not only believes what they are saying, but refuses to admit they have bought into the Hollywood hype.

I have been in a few self-defense situations with both revolvers and semi's. I have never had to fire at more than two assailants and never had to worry about running out of ammo, even with my revolver. I believe shot placement (Comes with training) is more important than quantity of bullets being thrown down range.

Maybe because I have not had to face the screaming hoards of BG's I am jaded in my opinion?

If you throw 100 rounds at me and miss, and I throw one at you and score a hit, well, I still win.

Am I just getting old and codgetty or does anyone else find these threads amusing and irritating? (I am not at all suggesting these threads be stopped or locked.)


New member
I put those in the same class as the "how many loaded mags do you need to escape a hurricane" threads. Whatever butters your biscuits, I've never had to shoot a hurricane.


New member
These threads that verses X against Y are purely for amusement, speculation, and fantasy. As the original post said, one well-placed hit is far superior to a gazillion near misses, or something like that. It falls in line with, "I would rather be lucky than good." Go debate that.

N.H. Yankee

New member
Remember the old song by Peter, Paul and Mary. How many times must a trigger be pulled, before a bad guy goes down, the answer my friend, is shoot him again, the answer is shoot him again and again.

Geez, how many times have I read about a shootout at a mere few feet between shooters and over 20 rounds fired and NO ONE gets hit! I think as stated mostly its where you hit the adversary. Granted there are those cases that defy logic, when a person is hit in the heart and survives or receives multiple lethal hits and just keeps coming. Some of these are drug induced, but if someone gets hit in the brain with a well designed bullet and suffers major brain damage, game over.

Then again I have met a few people that seemed totally brain dead but were still physically functioning, oh wait a minute they call them liberals:D
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