The Best Boss Ever...


New member
As I've brought up in the past, my wife and I are expecting our first child (Just found out the other day it's a boy :D) and finances etc... have been more on my mind lately. Up until this point we had been living with my Mother since we spent 3/4 of the year travelling to NYC, LA, Miami, Boston Etc... for our photography business. Not a lot of money, but tons of travel, and really interesting people. Anyway, priorities shifting and all that caused me to look for a 2nd job at nights, which took me to the local stop and rob. Anyway, I've since quit that and now I am in charge of marketing for a local real-estate investor. We just bought a house and things are going pretty well.

Anyway, the investor knows I carry and am into shooting, and asked me the other day if I could have any pistol right now what would it be. I mentioned that I had been really interested in STI's lately. He kind of nodded and walked off.

So, the point of this, and why I'm posting it here. He comes up to me the other day and says:

Boss: "We're really happy with all the leads you've been generating for us lately, so I decided to get you a bonus. Now, I know you're about to have a kid and would probably just spend this on bills or something, and I think the whole point of a bonus is to get something you really want to have. So why don't you go and order that pistol you were talking about the other day and I'll pick up the tab for it."

My face: :eek:

So, sometime this coming week I'll be going to Loveland Shooter's supply here in Cincinnati, and ordering a STI Tactical 5.0 chambered in 9mm. Best bonus I've ever had.

So, any other good pro-gun boss stories?
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New member
wow nice return of your good will.
my boss is nice to me too sometimes, problem is it has to come out of my own pocket since im him.:rolleyes:
really...congrats. you must be doing a fine job, which is really what its all about!


New member
I did have a former employer pay my skeet club initiation fee's ($700) and pay for the vast majority of my shooting fee's. Never bought me a gun


New member
That's great, you must be doing something right or maybe he just won the lottery and didn't tell you.:D Congrats on the new toy!


New member
I used to work for a company and was on salary. The boss would buy me guns for bonuses also (no tax :D ) I eventually got 10 guns from him in the 2.5 years I worked there


New member
That is a VERY nice bonus! Somewhere in the dim past, I seem to have read or heard that giving tangible items as a bonus has some managerial advantages over giving money. Once the money is gone, employees forget the bonus. With a tangible item like a gun or a TV, every time an employee looks at it, they will remember the bonus. I'm sure you'll love your STI.


New member
Total confidence in you and your decision making abilities and respondsibility.

A supreme compliment by your boss to you.

Well earned by you no doubt.



New member
That is a very classy move by him. It is probably worth sticking around an employer like that.

He has probably just bought more loyalty than he knows. ;)


New member
I got a Spyderco Tenacious once on the company credit card. "What's that?" "Oh, just camping supplies." It was for a small recognition, but I doubt they would have liked me buying a knife.


New member
My Uncle, who was also my boss gave me a M16 and a .45 once.............didn't get to keep 'em though.:D


New member
Except I did not get the .45, and had to give the M-16 back the same day, W/O getting to flip the fun switch.:mad:


New member
Great choice in a firearm. Awesome choice in an employer.

I wonder if he knew that the STI would be a $1700 handgun? LOL. I can just picture the boss expecting a $700 bill and then getting one for $1700! Ha Ha.


New member
Great choice in a firearm. Awesome choice in an employer.

I wonder if he knew that the STI would be a $1700 handgun? LOL. I can just picture the boss expecting a $700 bill and then getting one for $1700! Ha Ha.

Heh, yeah when he asked me about them I told him how horribly expensive they are. Just a really nice guy.


New member
Always been a little jealous of all you guys in the capitalist private sector and how good some of the benefits can be. After nearly 30 years working as an LEO for a metro city, you find that if you work really, really hard, they reward you by assigning you to where you'll work even harder.
One of my buddies works for a computer-something company. His company sends him on a S.D. trophy deer hunt every fall. His work weeks are ~40 hours, mine were ~60. He might get a paper cut, I might get killed.
Only consolation - I'm retired at 50, he's not.


New member
Always been a little jealous of all you guys in the capitalist private sector and how good some of the benefits can be. After nearly 30 years working as an LEO for a metro city, you find that if you work really, really hard, they reward you by assigning you to where you'll work even harder.
One of my buddies works for a computer-something company. His company sends him on a S.D. trophy deer hunt every fall. His work weeks are ~40 hours, mine were ~60. He might get a paper cut, I might get killed.
Only consolation - I'm retired at 50, he's not.

If I had my knees back I'd work LE in a heartbeat. It'd be nice to know that when I woke up in the morning what I was going to do that day actually mattered.