The Argument Against Any Gun Control "Compromise" In Three Short Steps

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New member
The Argument Against Any Gun Control "Compromise" In Three Short Steps:

Step 1. The Second Amendment is vanilla ice cream. All-American. Not too exciting, but it works. It works very well.

Step 2. Any infingement on the right to keep and bear arms - because "it's dangerous"..."it can hurt children"..."look what thay idiot did with a gun"...whatever - is dog poop. We all know it stinks, but it certainly exists. It might even look good from a distance.

Step 3. "Compromise" means mixing #1 and #2.

It's on the road ahead. Don't step in it, America.

And Merry Christmas!

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Lessee if I understand this so I can use it ...

1. The Second is like vanilla ice cream.

2. Infringements on the Second are like doggie pooh.

3. Compromise on the Second is like mixing vanilla ice cream and doggie pooh.

That about it?

Okaaaay! I'll be sure to use that the next time I have a debate on the Second Amendment with a three year old.

Thanks so much for that deep intellectual analysis. Why don't we just close this now so it doesn't get diluted with all that silly stuff that so often get posted on these serious discussions.

Oh, Merry Christmas to you too. ;)
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