The AMT Backup .45 ...


New member
I know that questions about this gun come up from time to time. I just wanted to say that I recently acquired one in trade from another forum member. The other day, I put 200 rounds of winchester fmj through it without a hitch. Accuracy was excellent for such a small gun with a heavy trigger. I was able to keep paper plate groups all the way out to 15 yards firing as fast as I could recover from shot to shot and aim in.

I've owned one of these in the past and the serial number started with DA the one I now have starts with DLX - Anyone know the mods that have taken place since the prefix change? I think they added a firing pin block since the model I used to own.

Not the funnest gun to shoot, but a small thumper that throws a serious round downrange. I also tried a couple of corbon .45 rounds and had good results though it was a might harder to shoot quick follow ups.

Any other comments on this gun? I am planning on using it to qualify for my CCL next weekend here in TX


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
You have a nice little gun there.
Little .45s are a love of mine. The Backup's only drawbacks are a result of its class of pistol... almost all small guns have the same problems. The AMT's trigger is very heavy, admitedly heavier than other pocket guns, but it can be smoothed out pretty well. Doing so makes it FEEL lighter even if it actually isnt. This is something that the PPK could never have, its trigger SUCKS and there is nothing you can do about it.

I don't understand why some folks will take a pocket pistol and compair groups with those fired via a full sized gun. Thats just retarded. A gun like a Backup is essentially a belly gun, ment for hiding and fast engagements knife fighting distances. Just like the Snubnosed Revolvers when they were developed.

In a short .45 I'ld recomend a lighter load. For example my old Detonics, my favored carry load was the 165 grain Cor Bon load. I tested 230 grains in it and the speed was down to 750 feet per second. Thats too slow to give reliable expansion. 165 might be too light, but its still punching a .45 caliber hole and give better odds of the bullet actually expanding.
Take a look at feeding the 185 loads. Should be just right.


New member
CANIS, years ago I did a breakin of my friend's AMT 45acp Backup. I probably shot about 100 rounds through it and it wasn't a handgun I wanted to own. To say the trigger was bad was an understatement and the gun was a bugger to take apart. The Backup felt like a small heavy brick in my hand. If push came to shove I much prefer a S&W CS45. Regards, Richard.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
You dont need a good trigger in a belly gun.
And for a pocket gun, you want smooth sides.
The AMT Backup is PERFECT. Yeah, its heavy. But then again its a .45 and if you want to load it with super-mudhole-stomper loads then that weight that is complained about is an asset.

This gun isn't a range shooter.


New member
I intend to use this gun for CC. I am not a fan of target shooting - never have been. It has never mattered to me about trigger pulls and one hole groups and all of that stuff. When I shoot it is for combat accuracy only. I am much more interested in being able to hit a chest sized target out to 25 yards anyway.

In my book, this is a great design that is suffering from unrealistic expectations. It is "fun" in the sense of being able to launch a big round from a small package.

I'm sold on it. It's amazing to me that more people don't own one.



New member
I am going to try this again. The first time I tried to be polite. Yes, tha AMT Backup I shot fired everytime. Yes, I could hit the target. Would I buy one of these things for your intended purpose? No, I would buy a Glock 30 or 36, I would buy a Taurus PT145, I would buy a Kimber Compact. Do we now have the feeling I don't like this pistol? I would sooner try to conceal a full sized 1911A1 than try to carry an AMT Backup for concealed purposes. Not picking a fight but I consider an AMT Backup to be a POS and I don't like the 380 model any better. Regards, Richard


New member
If it fired everytime you pulled the trigger and you could hit the target, seems like you are years ahead of a lot of pistols that cost many times more than an AMT Backup!

Isn't that the main two things a defensive handgun is supposed to accomplish? Everything else is just subjective asthetic BS anyway.

The gun is designed for defensive use. It serves that purpose well with a round that has authority to it.

Not a target gun - not a pleasure to shoot - it is reliable and combat accurate.

And you can still be polite or not if you want - we all have opinions :)



New member
Canis, lets try going at it another way. How much did you pay for this jewel? Couldn't you have bought something better for that amount of money? Have you shot other belly guns? In my case I use a S&W 37 in 38 Special for similar uses and I am convinced it is superior to a Backup. I paid $150 for my Model 37 and I doubt I could buy an AMT Backup in 45acp for that price. If after thinking this over you are still of the opine that your AMT is superior you should start collecting a complete set of these pistols. You will be the envy of all knowledgeable shooters you encounter. Regards, Richard


New member

No need to get into a contest. I can afford whatever I want. I like this gun. It is the most size efficient .45 acp I could find. I do not like Glocks. I prefer the power of a .45 over a .38

As far as what I got it for - it was worth every penny.

Enjoy your guns and I'll enjoy mine! As long as the BG is stopped it's all subjective BS anyway!

I don't collect guns - I carry and shoot 'em to defend myself and family!

When able - I prefer to carry a S&W 686 4"



Staff Alumnus
Yeah its big-ish, yeah its heavy-ish, yeah its got a really long pull. But its a 45 that fits in the pocket of your jeans. I'd only shoot ball ammo out of it, as every mis-feed horror story I've heard of is due to hollowpint ammo. MAYBE that federal EFMJ stuff woulde work,. George is right, thats a belly gun, its meant for use at spitting distance. If you can hit a playing card twice at 10 feet with it it's good enough.

I always wanted one of those, and if fired a few. Neat gun.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
EFMJ would be perfect for it. The ones I have played with never had a problem with lighter HPs with smaller ogives.
But Dr. Rob is correct... If you down to your back up - You REALLY want it to go bang when you pull the trigger. FMJ's are the first option untill you have proven your other load is reliable in it.


New member
I think I'll try some of the EFMJ rounds and see how they work.
Seems that Robert has dropped out of this thread, but if a gun goes bang when the trigger is pulled and you can hit your target, you have successfully accomplished most of the mission of a defensive handgun - the remaining part of the equation is to have a round of sufficient thump to end the threat and the will to use it.

As I have said - everything else is just personal preference subjective B.S.!

I guess this gun is relegated to "Best kept secret" status. Some of my friends that have shot this gun said much the same stuff "Amt makes a POS handgun" or "Doesn't that have a horrible trigger" Until they fire it and start to see the benefit of the simple design and large round.

George - What do you use to lube your backup? I'm using breakfree and that's it. Do you have any grease on the rails?


canis :D

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Depends on the gun.
Sometimes I use some white lithium grease and sometimes I use Militec 1... Or Moble 1. (whatever I have on hand at the time)

Stainless guns that are new get the grease for the first 500 rounds... after that it goes to oil.

Oil is better in a handgun overall... grease can trap and hold gunk in place and possibly accelerate wear or let gunk build up and cause some problems. While an oil lets grit flow out. At least thats my personal theory.

Breakfree is good stuff to clean and lube... Breakfree CLP is a keeper. I just haven't got any around. I'll probably be getting some soon.


New member
Thanks! The gun is well broken in so I guess I'll stick with the CLP!
(It's worked well so far)



New member
Canis, I guess I am the Robert you refer to but my name is Richard. I can only call them as I see them and evaluate them. I have never in my shooting and reading of the Backup pistols heard of them as well kept secrets. I wouldn't take five Backups for my East German Makarov. I can not back water the Backup is a terrible pistol and a pain to disassemble and put back together. Lets look at it from the other side. I have a Llama Especial in 9mm that gets a bad rap from posters because it is made in Spain. Ian Hoag says it is one of the best service pistols ever made. I would guess that the Author of Jane's knows a little more than me and a lot of other enthusiasts. If you are happy with the Backup I am happy for you but I want no part of it and I can not recommend it from my experience. Regards, Richard


New member
Sorry for screwing up your name (That's what I get for not re-reading the thread!) I can understand where you are coming from.

I will say that I have a Llama Minimax in .45 that has been terrific for over 1000 rounds. I bought it for $200 and it has been dropped in mud, water and snow and still keeps on going though it is ugly and heavy. Good performance and accuracy DESPITE what the "experts" might say about it (at least my copy is).

That's the nice thing about firearms - we can all agree to disagree. It is based on individual experience (or should be at least) rather than hearsay. I am a fan of the makarov also, but don't own because I don't like the calibers available.

Let's just hope if either one of us has to back the other up - that we were BOTH right :)


Chris Canis


New member
I hate to see so many TFL'ers relying in the AMT backup as primary CCW!

I bought one for all the same reasons... Small, slick sided, and used the same ammo as my USP45. I took it to the range a couple times, probably put 250 rounds through it, with no problems. Sure it was heavy, sure the trigger was terrible, and yes it kicked like a BEAST, but I was proud.

But then, around 400 rounds, while out shooting with some buddies, the slide started closing on an empty chamber. It did this on both mags. Then, after about 25 more rounds, the slide slammed shut, NEVER to be opened again!!! It could not be budged. Took it back to the shop, THEY couldn't move it. They sent it back to AMT for repairs. After 4 weeks, I called AMT to get a status. The reply? "It'll be fixed when it shows up at your shop." Talk about Customer Service! About 8 weeks, the gun came back to the shop, with NO explanation of what had been done. Traded immediately for a Taurus 85UL revolver.

I have heard SO many people who have had problems with the .40 and .45 backups. Jams, other FTF's, etc.

Did I mention that it would eject brass into my forehead?

Hope yours works out better than mine, but remember, 200 rounds doesn't mean it's a reliable pistol, it just means it hasn't broken yet.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Thats some valid points. Customer Service IS an important factor.
However just because yours broke, doesnt mean his will.
He has the gun and it works for him. He's liking it and thats what is important.

If I was to buy a compact .45, it would be a PT145.


New member
AMT is famous for the utterly s*itty quality of their products. Unreliable jam-o-matics with inferior metallurgy and slack build quality. If you have one that works, consider yourself blessed.


New member
It sure made a splash when it first came out with everyone writing about how it was a lot of firepower in a small package.

Several LE agencies including my own State Texas DPS have authorized the weapon in .357 sig for backup use. There might have been a few bad examples come out - but I still think it is a good design.

FWIW the gun had a lot of rounds through it before I got it used. It's still going strong and mechanically seems to be just fine - no pinging or odd wear.
