The Ammo Poll

What quantity of ammo are you buying these days?

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Just a question.... The folks who have hoarded heaps and heaps of ammo.... (like pallets) and have enough ammo for a couple of years or more, are you still buying more?

Why I ask, up until recently, I too have been buying alot of ammo, but now, I can actually go into a gunshop and not have to buy any :D

I have about 4 months supply for my factory ammo gobblers (9x19 & 22) and enough components to keep me reloading for ages, I am starting to see common ammo in the gunshops again here in Oz. I guess you could say it is levelling out a bit?

I guess I am saying, I too paniced.... but not too bad, I have got plenty for quite a few months, and will keep watching the gunshops, but right now, I feel confident that in a couple of months or so, I will get more easily (common ammo) Has anybody else got sick of buying alot of ammo, just in case..... and gone back to just buying some here and there?

I ask, because when this happens, things will start getting more sensible again :D

So, in essence.... has your panic buying slowed down (or stopped)? What are your ammo buying habits now-a-days? have you slowed down? or still buying more & more? Still looking for that last pallet?

Are you starting to see ammo staying on the shelf longer? or not yet?


New member
I have been buying more than normal for about 5/6 months now, and shooting less so it adds up. Compared to the pro hoarders i am small fry. But its still hard to find in a some calibers.

I don't pay any more than i was, I don't have to cause i hoarded.:)

Last years prices or it sits on the shelves. Aside from the ammo thing, i can't see prices coming down on goods, with more regulation and taxes and the common good being the rule of the day. I am more concerned about inflation overall than i am ammo...
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New member
I have enough for 4 months or so, so I am sitting on that and buying weekly ammounts now

However, I would like to have a lot more .22LR, and a few more cases of ammo for my freedom rifles.


Don't worry, the panic buying will subside in the near future. It my be 3 months or a year but it will subside none the less. When it does then there will be a surplus like you've never seen. I can't wait either cause when the shelves are full again at wally world the hoarders will be forced to sell at a loss just to pay their morgage's.


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I am an underfunded college student, so I was only able to buy ammo just before each range session. My "stockpile" was pretty pathetic to begin with.

Fortunately, the hoarders are leaving the common C&R gun calibers alone. My Mosin Nagant 91/30 and TTC pistol will probably be the only thing I shoot until the Obama fever cools off.


New member
I have enough of the calibers I shoot and reload (.22, .22wmr, .357, .358, 30-30, 12 and 20 gauge) to last a very long time, maybe even a lifetime. I have always been that way, or at least since a similar frenzy happened in the early '90's.
I usually buy when I'm around the store, but that comes with living rural., We buy everything in quantity when making the effort to travel the distance for groceries, hardware, lumber, etc.

I hope I'm not the only one that thinks the word 'hoarding' has a slightly negative feel to it; maybe it's just the first four letters of the word.....:)
I much prefer the words 'stockpiler' or 'Boy Scout';)


New member
I'm not buying any center fire ammo any more. Just .22lr, I reload everything else. For the time being, I've got enough reloading supplies and .22lr ammo to last me, enough to last until the current situation corrects itself. It is a modest supply, but enough to get me by and still have enough for an extended "situation". FWIW, what I've got on hand isn't really out of line with what I had on hand before the "run", with the exception that I added 1 caliber and the associated initial ammo stock and reloading components supply for it.

So I'm not one of the hoarders, I'm not one who is causing the shortage. I'm not currently in the market.


I'm slowly buying every couple weeks....right now I'm good on .223 and 40...still working on .22 and the rest of my center fires.

I'd like to get a couple hundred rounds for each center fire rifle I have, and a few thousand rounds of mini mags...

also good on shotgun ammo


New member
I keep a couple of boxes of ammo for each gun. Certainly not a stockpile, but I like to have ammo on hand in case I want to go shoot on a whim. I am not, nor will I, hoard ammo. This madness has gone too far. There is a guy that comes into my local gun shop and has 10k rounds of 9mm stockpiled and is working on 10k of .40. Nuts if you ask me.

At this point, my range trips have stopped because I can't find ammo or won't pay the jacked up inflated price that the hoarders have created and continue to support. I'd love to find some fairly priced .380 but it looks like that just isn't happening any time soon.


New member
There is a guy that comes into my local gun shop and has 10k rounds of 9mm stockpiled and is working on 10k of .40. Nuts if you ask me.

Have you ever asked him if he practices or takes formal training? Until the ammo shortage hit and round requirements went down, you could run through 1200 rounds easily during a course. Depending on the length of the course, number of firing relays, or the syllabus, you could go even higher. A few courses in the year and a few boxes a month adds up. I've gone through five classes in a year, and burned upwards of 6000 rounds doing so. Given that ammunition is generally non-perishable and tends to increase in price over time, stocking up for future classes you know you will take makes a lot of sense.
I have enough 'stashed' to keep me shooting for awhile, maybe 6-7 boxes per gun but .22LR I have maybe 3-4 K, I got concerned about SHTF situs about 5-6 years back and got some good Mini-Mags and SuperX to set back.
I've got some Federal 'value packs' for plinking also.
I'm nearly out of sp primers and nephews hollering for some re-loads, I have 1K both lp and lr's if needed though.
when supply normaizes I'm setting back a K of each primer I use and some slugs also.
I also shoot C&B revolvers and have maybe a K of caps and couple-3 lbs of 3F.
so I'm fairly well stocked just hurting for primers.


New member
I am having troube locating the exquisitely rare and sought after NATO calibers of 9, 5.56 and 7.62.

I guess I have done okay with rifle ammo because I've done so little shooting lately but I am decreasing handgun quantities for the first time since I started shooting.

What Hellbilly said too. Curious quantities of WWB up on Gunbroker. If I was a little saltier I might buy it and encourage an unwary seller to ship it to my fam in Illinois, then report them. But I suppose that would just be counterproductive in the long run...


New member
Have no intention to hoard. That being said, when I buy I get at least 5 to 10 boxes of ammo on the calibers I'm short on - assuming I can find any.


New member
"Hoarding" is such a relative term.... how much designates hoarding? More than a box? A few hundred? A case? A Pallet? A bunker full? :D

I have always kept what I deem an 'ample' supply on hand. I purchase/reload as I use that supply, keeping a predesignated quantity always there for each caliber. That being said, I'm definitely NOT buying up ammo now. I'm waiting for it to cool a bit.

And if it gets really bad as some 'dooms day' people are screaming... I'll have plenty to get me through. PREplanning is best in all situations, not just this one. :)



New member
I ordered 5000 rds of match-grade .22LR from CMP last year and it just got here a few weeks ago. And I bought a couple of boxes of .380 and a box of MiniMags in January. Other than that I haven't bought any ammo this year and don't intend to.

I have enough reloading components to last for years, but none of it (except 300 pounds of foundry lead ingots and a bucket of wheel weights) was purchased this year.

The one thing I am looking for is .380 brass. The Keltec spits it pretty far and I always lose a few pieces.


New member
Bclark, you do realize it's not illegal to ship ammunition to Illinois? If you are referring to Cook County thats not illegal either.
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