the amazing 22?

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tommy gunnz

New member
im not one to underestimate the 22. I believe it to be dangerous and in cases out right deadly. due to the bounce around type wounds they can inflict. on the other hand i have heard that one may be shot, the bullet will enter hit bone and stop. HURTS like hell im shure but not deadly. Which leads me to my point i have a buddy who's a quick and great shot and a 22 fanatic. he's convinced beyound reason that if the **** hit the fan his 10/22 is all he would need to take deer, small game and even fight off armed looter's with larger cal weapons. is he nuts or do other's feel the same.


New member
A buddy of mine got shot by a mugger who was using a 22. He said it hurt.

I've been shot with a bb gun. That hurts too.

How many guns does your buddy have? I've found the people who have a few guns tend to think the ones they have are the best for everything. In some respects, that's true. If all you got is a hammer, you might as well use a hammer. However if you've got a full tool box, you quickly learn that some tools are better for some jobs than others.


im not one to underestimate the 22. I believe it to be dangerous and in cases out right deadly. due to the bounce around type wounds they can inflict.

many years ago a neighbors wife was making the bed, she flipped the covers and a Colt Scout .22 fell to the floor, it discharged, the bullet entered her fore arm, exited just below the elbow, re-entered at the bicep exited the bicep re-entered the armpit, hit a bone then went down along her rib cage and come to a stop just below the last rib. the Doctors were utterly amazed that that bullet made so many entries and exits and did not kill her.

i bought the gun from her husband, then later sold it and doubled my $$$$
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