The 870 Remington 'Special Purpose'


New member

Cruising the pawn shops like an old shark can have its payoffs. While cruising one of them last week, I noticed a black scattergun on the ‘Used’ rack that looked a tad different than your typical riot gun. I made out the profile of a short 870, with a vent rib. ‘Chop Job” I said to myself as I asked to look it over. I just hoped it was cheap- and they hadn’t cut the poor thing off in the middle of a vent.

I was wrong; what I held was a near-new, synthetic-stocked 870 Remington Express 'Special Purpose' Magnum with a 21 inch barrel tapped for Rem Chokes. The bolt showed no exterior finish wear and the breech face didn’t look like it had seen ten live rounds.

The price was more than fair considering the 'extras' which included was a spare 30” Rem Choke barrel, a decent case, an assortment of choke tubes, their wrench and a sling. Its ability to employ Rem Chokes means I can also bird hunt with it- and there is no better way to get really close your fighting shotgun. This choke system is among my favorites for its versatility, the nice patterns it produces, and that fact that it sits flush with the muzzle.

Actually this shotgun had a little quirk or two which, once identified, were easily corrected. Take a look here for the full 4-1-1 on all that.


New member
Good choice.

I have an 11-87 Special Purpose with 21" Rifle sighted barrel and an 870 Special Purpose with 20" rifle sighted barrel. Both Remchoked.

Makes a dandy dual purpose hunting/HD gun.........


New member
nice looking 870 there sarge. pretty much the same barrel as what i just bought for my express, except the front sight bead. mine is white,but not at a 90 angle like yours there. same 21" rem choked,matte finish,twin bead type.

my wingmaster mag has the bradley bead,darn thing looks like a marble on the end of the barrel. glad you troubleshooted the functioning issues and fixed them. my shell licfter doesn't seem to have the raised lip design like you made into yours,it does have an extra what looks like a tooth shape on one side of the lifter,not huge but enough to notice.


New member
Those Bradley's are honkin' big, especially on a short tube. I was surprised it shot so well with slugs in view of that fact.


New member
The original barrel on my 11-87 special purpose had one of those Bradley beads. It was a 21" VR like your 870.

I, like you was impressed with the ability to place slugs on target with the Bradley bead and mid bead. 40-50 yds and tin cans were toast. Cut an aluminum baseball bat in half once with Brenneke's and that barrel. Took 2 hits near on top of one another to do it.

Lee Lapin

New member
That 21" VR RemChoke 'turkey' barrel is one of the best all-round barrels going for an 870, IMHO. Nice Cinderella rescue, Sarge!


Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Nice shotgun, and your PETP dues are paid up. A couple things...

I've a 21" barrel with choke tubes, I had a 28" Express barrel cut down and threaded for Truchokes a year or two before Remington brought this one out.

Sole downside's the blast with goose loads in a pit blind. It will make you unpopular with others there.

Said barrel and a single bead will group OK Brenekkes in 2.5" at 50 yards all day long, deliver 20 hits to the head and neck of a turkey target at 40 yards and took a true triple on a quail covey flush once.

Said barrel is on Frankenstein now and serves as a backup HD shotgun loaded with 4 buck.

Enjoy yours....


New member
Thanks, Dave. Sounds like you've got yourself a good set-up there. I don't do any pit shooting but then I'm used to 8-10 people firing high brass loads from short 12's on either side of me. I may be too shell-shocked already for it to even bother me.

I shot a few patterns today, using the 21 inch barrel and three different RemChoke tubes.

Ammo used was Winchester 'Universal' El Cheapo 2 3/4" 3 dram equivalent field loads, stoked with 1 1/8 oz. of No. 7 1/2 shot. I have pretty well settled on this shell for the lighter birds and it has produced satisfactory pattens in several other shotguns I've used it in.

Distance was 40 yards and the targets were Champion 25 yard 'Slowfire Pistol' that measure about 11x16 inches. Not SAAMI standard pattern testing I know, but big enough to get a few pellets on just the same.

Anyhow, pics are the targets front & back, with patterns from the Improved, Modified and Full tubes, left to right in that order:


Lacking a dead bird to trace around, I used my cell phone to make a 2 x 4 1/2 inch rectangle on the back of each target behind the aiming point.


I don't know exactly what I proved here but, I did convince myself that I'll be able to kill a few doves with this outfit. I don't turkey, goose or duck hunt but I think the Improved tube should be about right for jump shooting doves & quail on early morning walks, around dew-laden corn fields.

It ain't 'zactly bee-yooteful, but this little shotgun will wander no more in search of a home ;)

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Good on you for patterning,Sarge. More of us should do more of that.

I'd go with a bigger piece of paper and check POI/POA. Make sure it shoots where you look. I posted a sticky over on THR's Shotgun BB a while back that may help you.

If you've access to a standard trap field, there's another way.

Stand at Post 3 with the trap locked down to only throw straightaways.

Use the Full tube at first.

Note how they break. If you powder them most of the time, great, but if a big piece consistently flies away in any direction, you've not centering them. Some judicious adjustment is in order.

Tweaking the POI will do wonders for your hunting and clay fun.



New member
I came about on a similar deal. About 12-13 years ago, I picked up a nice 870 magnum 12 gauge with a 28" barrel. It came with a Modified choke, IC choke, and a full choke. It also had all it's manuals and such. Dude was in the middle of a divorce and needed the money. Nice parkerized type finish. Well a couple months later; another friend of mine who is anal retentive about his guns; had picked up a 21" remington barrel, but it wasn't for an 870. Not sure what it was for. But it was 12 gauge and could handle 2 3/4 or 3". But the ring mount for over the magazine tube would need to be moved a little bit in order to fit on the 870. Well physically, the gunsmith moved it fine. But looks wise, it was very messing. At least to my friend who is anal about this stuff. He got ******. Wanted to get rid of the 21" barrel. I said I'd take it. He said it's Blued. Your 870 is parkerized. I said so what. It's for the house. You think the bad guy is going to question the barrel for being blued. I'd use the 28" for birds and the 21" with a modified choke for HD. My friend said that if I was willing to have an ugly looking job done on a barrel, then I could have it for $10. (The cost for him to mail it to me). DUH!!!! So; now I have my 28" and a 21". It doesn't bother me that the 21" is blued. Not for throwing some 00 or 4 buck down at 2am. later... mike.....

Mike U.

New member
Nice job of showing pattern density of the different chokes, Sarge. One can really see a difference.

Very nice score, too. Congrats!


New member
I'm sorry, I couldn't help it...the thread title reminds me of The Jerk. "Wait a minute. What's happening to my special purpose?!" :eek:

Nice shotgun, though. Like the bead sight.