That was a little scary (Ruger SR9c Mag Release)


New member
Been carrying my Ruger SR9c for almost exactly a week now. Today something scary happened. When I got home and took off my holster, I noticed the bottom of the grip looked strange. I checked it, and the magazine was not seated. I pulled on it and it came out.

This is scary for two reasons: 1) my gun has a magazine disconnect, so it would not fire in this condition, and 2) what if the loaded magazine fell out in the middle of the grocery store? That would be awkward!

Has this ever happened to anyone before? I'm not sure what I did wrong, if anything. Both magazine releases (ambidextrous) were covered by the holster.

The first thing I thought is "I should have gotten the P99c, it has those mag releases that could never get hit in a holster".

Edit: Also, I am sure it was not like that when I left today, so it must have happened in the holster. I was using a Remora holster but I've been thinking about a more traditional IWB holster. Is the mag release usually covered when in the holster, or is that leading to the problem?
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New member
Yep, those much-maligned (but awesome) Walther mag releases do have their benefits. That can never happen with my PPS.

I assume you were carrying the SR9c in your sig (unless you've added something else), correct?


New member
I have been carrying my SR9c for several months and have never had that problem.

I carry it in a cheap inside-the-waistband Blackhawk soft holster.

I also removed the magazine disconnect shortly after buying it (a very quick and simple procedure, and one that I highly recommend).


New member
its happened to me with my P345. I carry it IWB at 4 o'clock and when I am in the car the weight can trigger it. I know why its happening so it doesn't bother me much. My sr9 was way too hard to hit the mag release. I had to put in much more effort. I didn't like it.
Also keep in mind that the Sr9 has 2 release buttons. So if you were sitting and putting pressure on both sides like i described, it can do that to you

ESI Agent

New member
I have been carring my SR9c for about four months and have never had a issue of any kind. I'm very happy with it.:D


New member
I also removed the magazine disconnect shortly after buying it (a very quick and simple procedure, and one that I highly recommend).

Hope you never have to use it, because the opposing attorney is going to have a field day when he finds out you "removed a safety devise" from the firearm.

Of course, I hope you never have to use it regardless.


New member
Yeah that's why I'm not removing mine.

Another scaryish moment today; went to the range and had about 7 light primer strikes out of a box of 50 American Eagle. Before today I had one light strike, with Tulammo, I had blamed the crappy ammo. Is Federal's American Eagle known for hard primers?

Brought it home and cleaned it really well, but I'm losing confidence in this gun...

Will run more defense ammo through it, see if the light primer strikes happen there as well.


New member
I prefer my holsters NOT cover the mag release on my EDC SR9c, and haven't had a problem.

As for the light strikes, this is fairly common with this gun, if the striker pin channel has never been cleaned or if it's been a while. The factory grease can cause it to get sticky. I had an issue after about 1000 rounds, but disassembled and cleaned the striker channel and it fixed it.


New member
I had similar problems with ruger p95 and p89. But the had really funky mag releases. I ended up pulling the right side one out.

I think looking for a holster that doesn't cover the releases is a good idea.


New member
Ok good to know. I've only put maybe 300 or so rounds through it so far, but have not cleaned the striker channel. The standard field strip instructions do not mention the striker. I know the videos on Ruger's site do cover that, so I will clean the striker/channel before next time I take it out.

I've also read its related to the mag disconnect. Worst case if it keeps happening I'll send it to Ruger to have a longer spring put in.

As for the mag release, I got too scared (for someone who has just started carrying and is still thinking everyone's looking at him) to be unsure if the mag is fully seated in the gun. I'm carrying my SP101 until my new holster arrives, I ordered a High Noon Public Secret (, they do NOT cover the mag release.

It's hard not to notice that I haven't had any failures of any kind with my revolver :rolleyes:


New member
Hope you never have to use it, because the opposing attorney is going to have a field day when he finds out you "removed a safety devise" from the firearm.
This is just internet nonsense that gets parroted every now and then.

No one has ever been sent to prison simply because they removed a magazine disconnect from a pistol used in a self defese shooting.

If you go to prison due to a self defense shooting, I guarantee it was not because you removed the magazine disconnect.

Besides, the magazine disconnect could get you which the legal ramifications would be moot.
You know, the old "rather be trialed by twelve than carried by six" adage.


New member
You could have accidently hit the mag release some how when placing your gun in your carry position. I have the sr9c and never had this happen.I did experience this with my Kahr cw9 one time. Since than I pay close attention when holstering my gun. I believe I must have hit the mag release by mistake when not paying never happen again.Not paying attention can be pretty costly( your life).


New member
This is just internet nonsense that gets parroted every now and then.

No one has ever been sent to prison simply because they removed a magazine disconnect from a pistol used in a self defese shooting.

If you go to prison due to a self defense shooting, I guarantee it was not because you removed the magazine disconnect.

Besides, the magazine disconnect could get you which the legal ramifications would be moot.
You know, the old "rather be trialed by twelve than carried by six" adage.

You're welcome to take that chance if you like. As far as I am concerned, if I want a pistol without a magazine disconnect (or any other particular "safety" feature), I'll buy one. There are plenty of great options out there.


New member
Hope you never have to use it, because the opposing attorney is going to have a field day when he finds out you "removed a safety devise" from the firearm.
I guess that if you bought it new, the DA might be able to try to accuse you of modifying the gun....
If you bought it used, who knows?
If you live in a state which presumes your innocence instead of your guilt, you will not have a problem.

Or you could choose a gun that does not incorporate a mag safety.


New member
Been carrying my sr9 for over a year without a problem. I don't see a reason to remove the mag disconnect. I really doubt that if you did and used it would be a factor in a lawsuit.


New member
A SR-9 C is my usual carry gun, and I've had that same thing happen. I put it down to pressure against the right-hand mag release when in the car. The seat belt buckle on my car comes up right beside my holster (A Don Hume JIT slide).

I just developed the habit of always checking to insure the mag is seated properly before getting out of the car. That small of an issue isn't enough to persuade me to quit using this firearm as a daily carry. For a compact pistol, the SR-9 C, IMHO, is damned near the perfect size and weight for a carry gun, and it's accurate as all hell.