That didn't take long - new gun control bill

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New member
While introducing a bill is a far cry from a new law being passed, it should alarm but not surprise anyone that the gun-banners are pleased as can be with the thought of Obama, the most anti-gun U.S. Senator, sitting in the White House. I'm resigned to the fact of increased gun control, restrictions on ammo, purchasing firearms, and possibly even laws that make current weapons illegal under a Congress that is not only Democrat controlled by led by fanatic anti-gun individuals. And with Obama as President we will undoubtedly see radical gun control measures become law. I just wish I could see the faces of all gun owners who voted for this President because they believed he would be the miracle worker of the economy, bringing hope and change to America; the same voters who ignored his IL record of extreme left-wing politics. But as the late newspaper writer H.L. Mencken said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".


Well that's just great...get ready to hand over all your guns folks, because once the Feds know where they all are, they'll be coming for them. It's just a matter of time before we're neutered just like England and Australia.


New member
I need to track down this Rush guy and send him a note...

it will reference his bill and simply suggest he move to either Russia or China where his view of government and subjugation of the citizens is more to his liking.

Well, you can't email him unless you are in his district or lie about your zip code, which I refuse to do. they do list his mailing addresses:

Washington Office
2416 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202-225-4372
fax: 202-226-0333

District Office
700-706 E. 79th. St.
Chicago, IL 60619
phone: 773-224-6500
fax: 773-224-9624

South Suburban District Office
3235 W. 147th St.
Midlothian, IL. 60445
phone: 708-385-9550
fax: 708-385-3860
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Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
The General Discussion forum is the wrong area to be having this discussion.

Can't move it, as it is a drive-by post. Closed.
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