Thanksgiving Greetings...

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Season's Greetings To All

from your ole' friend Ala Dan!:D :cool: :)

Wishing Each Of You A Safe and Joyous Holiday Season.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

This one is even more special since I wont be able to spend Christmas and New Years with my family here in Arizona. Will be with my other family though for them (My military family)

Best wishes to all.


New member
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Munch, munch, munch, munch, munch,munch..........

Yawnnnnn, strrretch...........Snnnnooooze......Snnnnnooorrre..


Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

This site and all the good-hearted fellow gun nuts who participate in it are high up on the list of things I'm grateful for this year.


New member
Stepping downstairs to pour another three (rather burly) fingers of Jim Beam in honor of the many fine folks out there in the ether of TFL land. God Bless America and all who participate in our grand old Republic.


New member
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow TFL members, Forum moderators, and Rich Lucibella for letting us hang out on his server.

:) :cool: