Thanksgiving and the PC Police


New member
I am not a daily poster but I greatly enjoy reading the posts here at TFL. I did however want to share with you an incident that happened in my neck of the woods. A gentleman who works with my wife relayed an interesting story to her concerning his wife and her job. Seems his wife is a K-3 teacher in a private religious school. The school is considering offering all day daycare and for that reason had to be inspected by the state of Tennessee.

The inspector arrived and began going through his routine. He made it to the K-3 teachers classroom and she observed that he made note of her posters on the wall and one in particular, depicting Pilgrims and Indians having the first Thanksgiving. After he left she went to the school principal and asked, "Did we get written up over the Pilgrims or the Indians?" Well the principal said, and I quote, "We got written up because one of the Pilgrims had a gun in one hand and a Turkey in the other..." I looked at my wife and asked incredulously, where they supposed to go the nearest Kroger in 1620 and pick up a turkey???

PC lunacy strikes again, it's moving south...

Happy Thanksgiving!


New member
Dont you know that turkeys commit suicide on thanksgiving so that we can eat them. They jump right into the fire. Gotta love PC.


Moderator Emeritus
The guy holding the gun might have been the community's law enforcement officer. That would make it OK for him to have a gun. The turkey could have died of natural causes and he might have just picked it up on his way to the otherwise vegetarian feast. :rolleyes:


Staff Emeritus
Our government at work.
And we PAY for this with our tax dollars.

Perpetuate the lunacy, keep voting for those who so accurately "represent" you and your views. :barf:

Mr. James

New member
I hear you, Sarge,

Living in a liberal bastion of Northern Virginia, I'm constantly raging at the new-age socialist buffoonery which passes for pedagogy in these parts. I was astounded, however, at the mercifully retrograde Thanksgiving presentation plastered all over the walls of my son's first grade study area - unapologetic references to Pilgrims seeking religious freedoms, hunting with guns, etc.

And the central display case, which anyone entering the building must pass, was completely devoted (still) to a Veterans' Day display, with full dress uniforms and head wear from each of the services, campaign ribbons, a Meritorious Service commendation, and 4th graders' essays on what Veterans' Day truly represents. Yes, it choked me up.

Ya know, I'm going to have to watch this principal. He may be a rare gem hiding in the ordure.

duck hunt

New member
PC Schools

As a public school teacher, a vegetarian and a gun owner, I found it frustrating but also amusing that the standard classroom calendar I was issued depicted, for the month of November, a Pilgrim chasing a turkey with a musket.

I mean, okay, you tell me I'm supposed to suspend one of my fourth grade students because he made "gun noises" in the hall (and another teacher actually went around me and reported it to the principal when I didn't), but I'm allowed to hang such a blatant depiction of violence against turkeys in my classroom? Where the CHILDREN can see it?

At least the kindergarten play was nice and non-violent....although when I remarked, "Oh, look at all the little pilgrims and Indians," a six-year-old pilgrim growled at me: "Don't call him an Indian! He's a Native American!"

Oh well. Only six more months and I'm outta there for good. I've learned my lesson about trying to work within the system.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Been thinking about that myself, Duck Hunt. Not sure what else I'd do, though. I've been thinking about taking the LSAT and seeing where I score just for the heck of it. Apparently I can spend four weeks getting a CDL and make more annually than I do now and I'm thinking the hassles might be a LOT less.

In a way it's too bad, but in a way I'm glad you're getting out. Good luck.


New member
As a public school teacher, a vegetarian and a gun owner...

Would it be polite to point out that the pilgrims' turkey was organically grown and our modern tofu is made of soybeans which come from fields with a very high herbicide and pesticide loading, not to mention an unbearable rate of soil erosion? :eek:


Staff Emeritus
Duck Hunt & Don,

I've seen our government (so-called "public") schools. I don't know how you've coped. Believe me, you have my personal respect and gratitude.

It would be easy for me to tell you to stay within the system - America needs you! But I wouldn't be able to do your job in your enviornment. I don't know who I'd bitch-slap first - a student or an administrator. (Yes, I most definitely AM serious!)

Good luck, whatever your decisions. :)

Hmmm. Any chance y'all could start a private school? Some place of reason
and (get this! -->) education for children of real Americans?

(Hope springs eternal....)

Jorah Lavin

New member
Mr. James...

Pilgrims seeking religious freedoms

I'm not sure, but my impression was that the Puritans left England not because they couldn't practice their religion, but because the rest of the population wouldn't practice Puritanism... hardly what I'd call a pursuit of freedom...

But they did have cool guns.


(Atheistic, Gun-Toting, Freedom-Loving, E-Prime* Thinking, Web Designing Fool)



"...because the rest of the population wouldn't
practice Puritanism..." -- Jorah Lavin

You're exactly 180* out of phase, Jorah.

Time for that refresher course in history. ;)

Jorah Lavin

New member
Zander, it has been just too, too long

Since I read any history. Apparently I've always been confusing the Pilgrims and Puritans (actually, thinking they were one and the same... my bad.)

(The Pilgrims do sound pretty decent from my viewpoint... the Puritans don't sound like folks I'd like to invite over for dinner.)


New member
Zander, Jorah is closer to being correct than you are.
"...because the rest of the population wouldn't practice Puritanism..." -- Jorah Lavin
You're exactly 180* out of phase, Jorah. Time for that refresher course in history.

"Roger Williams and a small band of followers who had left the repressive atmosphere of the Massachusetts Bay Colony to seek freedom of worship."

Now the gunowners are leaving Massachusetts to seek freedom to keep and bear arms.