Thanks to Rich and the moderators


New member
We often overlook the fact that this site is one of the last things that can really be called "free".

I would like to give thanks to Rich and all the moderators/administrators here for allowing us to use this place to share information, and just have a good time at no expense.

Thank you and happy holidays :) !


New member
Wellllll....... it's not exactly "free" ;) , but we do appreciate it immensely. A lot of time, effort, & expense goes into making TFL an ongoing reality, & for that I am very thankful :)


Damn, you mean we actually have to give praise to these chumps? ;)

Seriously, this has been a great place to come and talk/vent.

I'm glad I showed up.


New member
A really great site. I'm proud to have found it recently. A lot of work but please take my thanks FWIW.'s one of the few quality places in cyberspace that doesn't subject its readers to animated monkeys that you can punch, pop-ups for peephole cameras, and stupid ads for offshore gambling scams.
