Thanks to new LAW, Florida's streets are RUNNING with blood! Video proof!

Garand Illusion

New member
Take a look at the disturbing news video identified here as a "cartoon."

Clearly, Florida has gone TOO FAR and it's now OK to KILL KILL KILL:eek: :eek: !

The intellectual argument has won me over! What were you guys in Florida thinking?! OH! The Humanity!!!

(note the rampant sarcasm above) :D :D


Seeking Out Danger

Under the "Shoot First" law, as long as the shooter "is not engaged in unlawful activity" and is "attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be" the shooter has the right to use deadly force. Therefore, if a fistfight escalates to lethal violence, the shooter could receive immunity under the law even if he initiated the confrontation, as long as he "reasonably believed" that firing the gun was necessary to prevent a "forcible felony" or "great bodily harm" to himself.

That makes no sense because starting a fist fight is indeed unlawful activity. Though they do have a point; saying "I felt threatened" is much easier after the fact.


New member
As I understand it,

The law was passed in Florida to make it clear to prosecutors and for LEO to be real sure of the facts before accusing someone of murder when it was self defence. It was not a law to change anything about how regular citizens act but more to solve a procedural problem. The press are the ones who ran with it...and I don't think the NRA even had much to do with it but probably took credit after the fact.

I sent these lame heads and email and even threw them a curve and signed my other way:

"I'm a conservative's worse nightmare, A Gun Carrying Liberal."

I take offense when most of you folks point out the liberal anti's. I can't for the life of me see where the right to Arms, self protection and defense against tyrony has anything to do with Politics...but then I do tend to be foolish with somethings.

Glock 31

New member
Let me get this straight. This new law says you can stand your ground and if you believe you or someone else's life is in danger you can shoot someone. Is that the jist of it?


It's been like that here in New Mexico for years, you don't see blood running in the streets here do you. Yes we have crime but it's all gang related or domestic violence. In other words gangs killing gangs or family fights. NOT people getting mugged on the streets by strangers.

Of course there are muggings here i'm not saying we have no random crime, it's just not our biggest concern. We have the right as human beings to maintain not only our lives but our dignity and honor as well. If someone threatens you and you run like a coward when you COULD have done something about it, then someone else gets hurt because noone stopped the criminal in the first place, that falls on you.

If someone threatens you, and you follow proper training procedures and alert them to the fact that you have a weapon and are willing to use it, and they still attack you. If they overpower you, take your weapon, and use it on someone else, you have a BIG chance of being sued for allowing a crime to take place.

There is nothing wrong with standing your ground. If you feel you have to run, then by all means run. But if you take the life of an honest to God criminal, well just think. Was it your fault he chose the life of crime. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, THAT INCLUDES THE GODDAMN CRIMINALS! It's high time we started protecting the victims, not the criminals.:mad:

P.S. HOWEVER, in New Mexico, you CANNOT be involved on any side of a fist fight and later use a gun to stop it. Becoming involved in a fist fight means you are condoning said fight. If you don't want to get in the fight, you must present your weapon immediately. You cannot begin fighting and then when you realize you are losing, use your gun to end it. That is illegal, as is watching the fight, then jumping in after enjoying the show and using a gun to stop it. Use your heads and figure out how much damage or humiliation you are willing to take before defending your life, or figure out what damage and humiliation is worth taking INSTEAD of extinguishing a human life.


New member
I can't for the life of me see where the right to Arms, self protection and defense against tyrrany has anything to do with Politics

I think it's beacuse, historically, that most Liberals (French term for "surrender") tend to want to atke firearms from citizens.


It's OK for Ted Kennedy's bodyguard to illegally carry an automatic weapon...

"I take offense when most of you folks point out the liberal anti's. I can't for the life of me see where the right to Arms, self protection and defense against tyrony has anything to do with Politics..."

You're absolutely right. It has NOTHING to do with the politics of the Democratic party for the last nearly 50 years being the party of Liberalism AND the party of gun control in the United States.

Yes, there are liberals who are pro firearms rights, and there are conservatives who are anti-firearms rights, but it is FAR more correct to say "Liberal = Support of Draconian Gun Control" than not.

Don't believe it?

Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton. Teddy Kennedy. John Kerry.

And so on.


New member
I am sorry to disappoint y'all but as the anti gun folks predicted, the toll in dead and wounded here in Florida has been horrendous in the two months since the "Castle" law went into effect (Oct. !). Why in just the last week alone in one block of my street there were 327 deaths and 4,276 wounded, tsk, tsk, tsk.


New member

I guess they have identified their target audience.



New member
Let them send the petition to the gov Bush. I doubt he will give it much thought.I could see him when he receives it .Thank you very much for bringing your thoughts to my attention.And once no one was looking in the trash it goes.


New member
Redworm - Thanks for posting that. I started to post the same thing last night, ran out of steam and fell asleep at the keyboard. :eek:

With all the "yellow journalism" on that website, I thought their selection of background color was the most truthful thing on the site. :p

What's particularly funny to me is the way they completely ignore much of what the statute says regarding the reason for shooting;

...he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or to another person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

The last time I looked, bare fear does not rise to the level of a reasonable belief.

A man threatening you, even carrying a piece of pipe, from across a busy 4-lane highway is not a credible threat. Likewise, the first irate statements from someone immediately after a fender-bender don't usually give rise to a reasonable belief either, without some evidence of overt threat.

Rob P.

I wonder if anyone else saw the copyright infringement in the cartoon? At least one frame with the Cat in the Hat images. They even admit to it at the end ("with apologies to Dr. Seuss" etc...).

Perhaps an email campaign to the publisher of Dr. Seuss books would be a good idea?


New member
Thanks to the media and people too lazy to follow up, more miss information. The requirements reguired for the use of deady force never changed, you just aren't required to retreat. Let me ask a question, why give the criminals the advantage? As for the poster/site more work by the Brady Bunch, they have no honor and will do anything to disarm Americans.



Garand Illusion

New member
Colorado has also never had a duty to retreat. And we're a pretty safe state.

What really irks me ... if someone truly believes they and everyone else would be better off with no guns at all in society and believes they can somehow make that happen -- well, that's their opinion. I don't believe it or agree with it, but I can respect it.

But the Brady bunch attack not just guns, but the concept of law abiding people using them for defense. I've read through their site -- they're "not against" taking away guns used for legitimate purposes, and go on to list those purposes -- which do NOT include self defense.

Such a different way of thinking.


New member

before if U were packing and someone came up to shoot U, U had to try to run away. so people packing were getting shot in the back while they were trying to get away from the situation. all the new gun law says is that U don't have to try to run away first now.