Thanks/Rant - G. McMillan Card MUST READ!


Staff Alumnus
For those of you that heeded the request to sign, and forwarded the URL to, Gale McMillan’s Get Well Card I want to express my sincerest thanks. You may stop reading this.

For all OTHERS….

*** OVER? Within the last three days I have received numerous duplicate e-mails on four separate issues… all dealing with either countering the Dark Force or to take part in a Poll. NOT ONE! ZIP! NADA duplicate on Gale’s Get Well Card. And I’m NOT looking for my e-mail; any mail concerning the Card would have counted. However, that is NOT what has got my goat, NO SIR.

I am doing my very best to recall some of the Sensitivity Training I was unable to tactically avoid in writing this.

As of last count there are 210 Signatories on Gale’s Card… 210!… after 3 days. In this day of massive, almost instantious electronic communications I find this INCONCEAVABLE! All told, that I know of personally, the notice is posted on 5 BBs in addition to a mail list. The membership of just these are, conservatively, well in excess of 7,000 and yet we have only 210 Signers? This doesn’t even take into account e-mail notifications/forwarding. In the Corps there is a saying “You always have your 10%”… what is running through my mind is that the shooting community has “its 95%+”.

Again, W-T-F?!? We rally when trying to counter forces that would mean an end to our Republic yet there are those that won’t take a moment of their precious time out of their busy lives to assist a fraternity Brother?!? To take care of one of our own?!? All that is required is you click to a site, add a brief message and submit! But that seems to be too much for some???

There is no requirement to know Gale McMillan personally, the majority of firearm enthusiasts should know of him. If you have NO clue who Gale is you may check out his website at . If you know Gale and, maybe, have some personal issues, I suggest you put them to the side.

This is not about knowing or liking someone… it is about raising the spirits of a Brother in Arms during, what is conceivably, the darkest time in his long life. I sure everyone knows someone personally who has traveled down the road Gale is heading. Their mind and spirit must be kept soaring else all may be lost.

I implore those that have disregarded this Call to Arms to get the Hell off your collective duffs and act on this. I hate to think that if this were an Actual Call-Up the response would be so underwhelming! If this IS the case we are indeed, as a community, in a sad State and it goes a long way in explaining why the Dark Forces are succeeding!


Schmit (sends with no appoligies on bandwidth use and -deeply- saddened that it has come to this!)

-----Original Message-----

Subject: Gale McMillan


Some of you may, some of you may not know the following; Gale McMillan was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. Gale entered the hospital today for surgery, his situation is not good but neither is it bleak. He came thru 3.5 hours on the table like a trooper! However, he is, as expected, going thru a hard time.

There is hope for a total recovery from this procedure. But, ask anyone with an immune system problem, mindset is key. At age 70, Gale is still sharper than most of us and he's got so much to offer. Projects are what keeps him going, according to son Rock. It wouldn't be telling tales out of school to say that, at times, he gets tired and resigned to whatever cards he's dealt. This is not a good thing when the body needs to rally it's immune system defenses.

Gale is a Member of "The Firing Line Bulletin Board" which he calls "best shooting magazine on the market!". In that Gale is a regular Poster, and has help out many times on questions, the Administrators/Moderators of TFL wanted to do something to help ensure Gale's will/mindset is given an extra boost and we came up with the idea of an on-line get well card where well wishers can go and offer a personal "get well greeting" (one per page). We plan on giving it about 5 days and then printing it out and FedExing a 100 - ????? page, signed, "Get Well Card" to be given to Gale. We believe it will make a difference to Gale's recovery.

The Card can be found at

If you are a Firearms Enthusiast you know that this man has given us all so much. His contributions to the industry are monumental.

I implore all to jump on line, add your personal greeting for Gale's speed recovery and forward this to others who would want to do the same. I expect, if everyone does as requested, that there will be duplicates of this being posted/e-mailed. GET OVER IT!!!

Remember, this link will only be up for about 5 days so it is time critical.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201 UOSSS
"Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
We have a lot of members yes. But not all members are actually ACTIVE like these 210 are.
If you read these 210 signatures and messages - The outpouring of love and support for this man is amazing. Gale, after reading this should feel a very huge boost.

Is it enough? No. Not for me. I wish I could do more for the man... but thats not in the cards for me. Gale has this battle to fight by himself and with his family.
But our prayers are with him.


New member
Gunny -

Guilty as charged. Since corrected. No excuses.

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein


New member
Not all of the 210 signatures belong to active members. This is my first post, yet I signed the card. I hate to say it, but it's probably just lack of interest in the man or his illness, which is very very unfortunate.

Matt VDW

New member
Thanks for the virtual kick in the pants, Gunny!

Lurkers: It's extremely easy. Do it; you'll feel better.


Retired Screen Name
Just throw out whatever you thought of when you read the notice, guys. I don't know Mr. McMillan personally either, wouldn't know it if I passed him on the street, but that matters little. On here, we're like family and I know him well enough to know he'd do this for us.


New member
Welcome to the TFL Family!
We look forwarding to seeing many more of your posts, now that you've broken through the "lurker mindset".


New member
Dad gum Gunny! You made me look back! I was around number 37 or so on the card thing. I couldn't really remember doing that. I did know that I sent something to Mr. Mac personally though. Dad gum Jar Heads!
Hank, Squid to you there Gunny!
Best to you and I hope Mac is doing well.
Perhaps I can put this a bit more sensitively.

Dear Members-
Don't get us wrong. The last thing we want is to twist someone's arm to show a bit of unity, interest and compassion. But I will say this: Man, woman or child, if you haven't found the time for a word to Gale, I don't even want you breathing my air!
Rich Lucibella


New member
That's what I like about ya Gunny. Subtle as a brick up side the head. And I see you're been giving Rich lessons on tact as well. :D


[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited February 04, 2000).]

John Marshall

New member
Being pretty new around here, I hadn't heard of this effort until I logged on tonight. I am glad to have added my note to the card. I am hard pressed to find a reason anyone wouldn't take the few moments it requires.