Thanks Giving


New member
Fire arm relation is they should have had one!

Please let this float for the next few days ....


Here you go Years ago but it happened!

Here is a true Thanks Giving story:

My father and a few friends station in Adana Turkey while in the USAF, Decided to take a drive up Mt Ararat. All they had as of clothing was pants, shoes , socks and short sleeve shirts.

All was good fun and a day away from the Base! About 3/4 the way up this rikkity old road, they encountered a Blizzard....It was 85 degree off the mountain and now it was 20 degrees. They stayed with the truck for the first few days and Ate what little they had taken. They thought it would only be a long day outing. A week had passed and they decided this was not working. The truck had ran out of gas, They could not see any hope of recue.. They remembered seeing a Turkish road works down the hill about a mile or so and decided to head down hill and see what they could find to keep warm and maybe something to eat. They made the trek.

They found 4 Turkish road workers huddled in the shack. None had shoes, they did have blankets and lots of Ekmek " Turkish Bread" and Yogurt!

My father and his friends spent the next week with them! They was afraid to all sleep at the same time as the Turks shortly would have robbed there shoes an who knows what else.

A Turkish Army truck made up to them and helped them with a little gas and seen them down the Mt.

When father and friends got back to the base it was Thanks Giving Day!

First place they headed was the mess hall.. Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Yams, Corn Bread, Corn on the Cob, And good ole Cranberry Sauce!

They stayed until closing time. Feasting, Eating, Feasting, and eating some more..........Closing time came!!!!!!!!!!! What to do!

I too joined the USAF. Years later I met a old Sargent who as it turned out was there. I recounted the story to him and he said, " I was there that day, We all had a good laugh! Last time we seen your father, He was heading out the front door! He had Mashed Potatoes in each shirt pocket, A Turkey Drum Stick in each front pants pocket and No One could tell what he was carrying!"

This is a true B.S. Story ! It Happened.
_________________The only fire arms relation I can assign to this post is they should have had one!

Please do not kill this for the next few days!