Thanks 223NUT,take a look :o)


New member
I have caught another cold/ bug...the weather up here changes every 24 hours ,today was cool about 35 degrees,but sunny with very little wind....I just purchased a Burris Black Diamond from "223Nut" 4x16x50mm w/a 30 mm tube for my Remington 700 "Sendero" in 7mm Remington mag "My Bean field rifle" ....I had the scope mounted on Monday and I have been itching to try it out ....Anyhow a mustered up enough strength to go drag this heavy gun up to the range ,and set up a target at 100 yards then 200 yards,that's the farthest I can shoot at the range....the sun was behind me ,and I was the only person at the range :D (well it is 35 degrees) :confused:....Once I did my part and remembered to adjust the Adjustable objective from it's 100 yard setting to it's 200 yard setting I finally shot a pretty good group for a sick ole shooter .....I was shooting speer 145 grain SBT,with IMR 4350 at 62.3 grains ...not my usual stuff ,but it's what i had at the time ....My brass is tumbling now and some 140 grain Nosler Balistic tips will be loaded for the next trip to the range ....Storm coming tomorrow :( Enjoy BB34
