Thanking everyone for help and wishing all a Merry Christmas


New member
I looked at my first 100 posts or so starting in April of 2015. I had just gotten a 308 and a cheap reloading kit and 3 manuals. I asked so many questions it was a wonder you all didn't run me off the forum. I got some excellent tips on here. I looked at last page of my first post and was told I was hooked on reloading and truer words couldn't be spoken. I started loading for husbands rifles. Went and bought a new rifle or hand gun just to order components and load for a new cartridge. Went from loading one 308 to 14 different calibers now and love every minute of it. Don't mean to carry on but I do want to thank each and everyone on here for all the advise I got and wish all of you a blessed and wonderful Christmas. Remember the real reason for the season.

God Bless


New member
Merry Christmas!

I started reloading a year ago with my own equipment. I started reloading when I was 16 and did so for two years on my high school football coaches press at his house when in school. I got away from a hobby I loved for 32 years. I'm enjoying every minute of it now!

The people of TFL and THR have leveled the learning curve and helped me be a safe and accurate reloader, I'm very thankful for the advice!


New member
Happy Hollidays !!!

Wendy, Ruger;

Your both welcome!!

Lord knows that I'm not the most experienced on here, and I have received much help from the members here also.

It would be most counter-productive for us to run people out, both to the forum, and the shooting sports in general. Especially with we are all so passionate about what we do.

Everyone have a happy Holliday, and remember,


Yeah! Getting that burning yule log anywhere near the powder would be a bad idea.

Merry Christmas Wendy and the rest of you.


New member
Yes, Merry Christmas to all (it's my B'day ,too). And I also want to thank everyone for their contributions to this forum. I continue to learn something virtually every day I am here.

Bill Daniel

New member
Wendy, Unclenick and many others

Merry Christmas! May the joy of our Savior be yours this season and forever more.
Bill Daniel

Metal god

New member
Your welcome if warranted and I to would like to thank you all for the help over the years .

Merry Christmas to TFL and all it's members :)


New member
You are welcome.

You asked good questions, follow up, reported results. Good member.

Its good to have a woman participating and I wish we had more.

If I could get my wife to do my reloading for me so I could just go shoot!


New member
LOL, That's what my husband said when I first started. He would come in and say I need a hundred of one caliber or another. Now he loads with me some. I really enjoy it and it takes a lot of stress out of long days at work. Thanks for comment.


New member
Wendyj, Merry Christmas and a Happier Next Year!

I have just finally got my wife interested in shooting and she has an XD Mod2 9mm coming. It was too late to make it here for Christmas. So far she seems to be a pretty good shot with my 9mm.

She has bought me components and supplies and has even watched me load some but I don't think I'll ever get her to the press. She's just not that interested, Yet!


New member
She might yet. My husband initially bought all the equipment for himself and set everything up. After several manuals and watching him load 308 to start with and me watching him I just kind of took over. He works way more hours than me so I just started doing it so we could hit the range on weekends with laddered ammo. He always wanted to shoot a 1000 yards with his 7 mag and an old Savage 308 he had. Reloading allowed him to do it and he just kept getting better. I wanted to shoot farther than a hundred yards and he bought me good rifles and glass to get me out to 500 which I'm happy with. We've bought dies for 7 rifle calibers and 3 hand gun calibers with 380 on its way. The indoor firing range was costing too much for hand gun but we now go a lot more. Your wife should love the 9mm. I started with a 380 and went to a 9 and I shoot his 357 and 45s quite a lot. Only one that really hurts my hands is the 40 and makes me flinch. Sharp snap but the fn 45 and Rugers are just heavy shoves. All our Grand kids are fascinated with the reloading room. May you all have a blessed New Year