THANK YOU Unclenick


New member
Especially for the selflessness demonstrated over the many years. It be sincerely appreciated.


New member
He is an absolute wealth of knowledge and a reliable source of information. On the internet where everyone wants to be an expert, Uncle Nick stands out as the REAL DEAL. I've been loading for over fifty years and still learn things by reading his answers. Two thumbs up for a good guy.


New member
I too tip my hat.

I am pretty multi dimensional at work - but Unclenick not only is that but also very much in depth.

I too stand in awe and appreciation. I am not particularly social but I would like to meet him.


New member
I too, love his posts, illustrations, and the wealth of knowledge he brings to this forum.

When I read posts on here I always hope he reply's so I can learn something more about this hobby I love.
It amazes me how one person can know so much about so many aspects in reloading and accurate shooting also.

Uncle Nick, you are the most technical, most informative person in loading ammunition I have ever known and it is a pleasure to learn from you.

I've been reloading for 46 years now. I always want to know more about it.

Without knowing how old you are, I only wish I would have known you when I started this endeavor in 1972, How much easier it would have been to learn it.


New member
I’m with you guys, in that I’ve been reloading for a long time, and what I’ve learned from Unclenick showed me how much I really didn’t know, even after all those years.


New member
I second all those comments posted above and add that Uncle Nick ALWAYS explains things in a way that makes the recipient of his sage knowledge and wisdom not feel like a complete idiot. Takes a good measure of patience on his part, I'm sure.


New member
The following is not original but it is sincere.
Uncle Nick is like having Albert Einstein come over and help you with your high school algebra.

For all the questions he answers I hope he realizes there are LEGEIONS of us out here that don't post on most of the threads but still learn from his posts and appreciate them.


New member
His kindness and help extends well beyond his very knowledgeable public posts. On more than one occasion he has reached out to me with help via Private Messages.

Many, many thanks Uncle Nick.

Russell P

New member
Just this weekend, I took one of his illustrations of the 45 acp plunk test to a junior reloader so he could see, in living color what I was babbling about.

You da man Unclenick