Thank you Shane Tuttle & 44 AMP

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Terry A

New member
Not sure where to post this, but I do want to say a very heart felt and sincere "Thank you" to staffers Shane Tuttle and 44 AMP. I posted a lengthy post in another thread and they took a lot of time to carefully and very cordially answer that post. Above & beyond.

Nobody told me to, or suggested I do, but I feel the need to offer a public apology to Mr Tuttle and 44 AMP because my post, upon re-reading it several days later, appears way more critical than it should have been. I don't ever want to be critical in any of my contributions here. To anybody.

So Shane and 44 APM, thank you for for the great replies you both gave. They really help clarify things and I can honestly say that I understand things from you guy's perspective now way better than I did before.

I appreciate you both! In fact, I appreciate all the staff here even more as I can better understand what they have to deal with day in and day out for our benefit.

I didn't want to just send this to you fellas via PM. I posted publically, so I wanted to thank you both publically as well.


New member
I Also Appreciate The Staff Of This Forum

I didn't post on any of the recent Arizona happenings but read everyone of them and the job the mod's did and the wisedom they displayed was beyound anything I could have done.

I have been knocked down by them once and I deserved it.

Great Job!
I appreciate your sentiments, Terry. As leaving it open for others to post their praises or jeers would be self serving, I'm going to have to close this one up.
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