Thank you, Point Blank!


New member
That young man got back on his feet very quickly. I'm pretty sure I would have had a heart attack, if the bullet didn't kill me first.


New member
Army Times Article

During a routine patrol in Baghdad June 2, Army Pfc. Stephen Tschiderer, a medic, was shot in the chest by an enemy sniper, hiding in a van just 75 yards away. The incident was filmed by the insurgents.

Tschiderer, with E Troop, 101st “Saber” Cavalry Division, attached to 3rd Battalion, 156th Infantry Regiment, 256th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, was knocked to the ground from the impact, but he popped right back up, took cover and located the enemy’s position.

After tracking down the now-wounded sniper with a team from B Company, 4th Battalion, 1st Iraqi Army Brigade, Tschiderer secured the terrorist with a pair of handcuffs and gave medical aid to the terrorist who’d tried to kill him just minutes before.


New member
After tracking down the now-wounded sniper with a team from B Company, 4th Battalion, 1st Iraqi Army Brigade, Tschiderer secured the terrorist with a pair of handcuffs and gave medical aid to the terrorist who’d tried to kill him just minutes before.

A better man then I will ever be, heck better then I could ever even dream of becoming. That man could teach Budha a lesson. Wow, we have the best soldiers in the entire F'n world.

A true hero if there ever was one. I am seriously just blown away...


New member
We can only wish that defensive technology could outstrip offensive... At least some of it works now.


New member
outstanding gear for an outstanding soldier....

Best news I heard from the sandbox in days. Funny how all our great networks either missed this great story or the 3 seconds they showed it didn't grab my attention. I hope the Army has a honorable and earned medal for this young hero. I think the Distinguished Service Cross might be a fine pin to this young man's chest.

The next time someone tells me how bad we are to the enemy we fight I shall share this story. What a great story of brave action and the ability to stop before ending the one who tried to kill you just moments earlier. I bet most of us would have just put a 40mm into the enemy nest and call it a day......

I sure am proud of our troops............. :D


New member
Truly a HERO. We have so many real honest to God Heroes, and we hear so little about them, because the media is a sick and evil beast.


New member
I have pretty much quit watching TV, listening to the radio or reading newspapers. It was bad for my blood pressure to watch the media in their never ending search to be more ghoulish and twisted than the competition, using half truths and innuendos when they didn't have facts. And it is ALL of them, not just some of them.

Have you noticed that there is an unholy alliance, a symbiotic relationship, between the terrorists and the media?

Terrorism would be ineffective without the media publicizing every thing the terrorists do, every attack the terrorists make, every statement the terrorists put out; and the media is making huge profits from the terrorists providing them with grisly scenes of horrific deaths and injuries.

They are both sick and evil. When the media condemns anyone or anything I get furious because it is the largest hypocrisy ever on the face of the planet. The media has gone to bed with terrorism and they have no rights to condemn anyone or anything, ever again.

Sorry about that rant, not trying to hijack this thread, I will behave now.
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New member
Libreals infest our society so anything even remotly resembling a slight praise to our troops they will supress. If you read "Treason" by Ann Coulter you will see how they can supress the media and alter history by witholding information. Namely stuff regarding McCarthy.
If we are thanking Point Blank for making a product that performs as advertised, should we also be thanking every other maker of products for solders that works? We don't we give thanks for the tasty MREs? The work pretty good.

The quote from the Army Times article is pretty stupid. The American soldier was not knocked to the ground by the impact. He may have gone down, but not because the bullet struck him with the force to knock him down any more than the Iraqi in the van was knocked down when he shot at the American.

Baba Louie

New member
The American soldier was not knocked to the ground by the impact. He may have gone down, but not because the bullet struck him with the force to knock him down...
Then what, pray tell sent him to the ground?
X number of pounds(#) of energy approx 4' from his support point (feet) = X#(x) 4 ft lbs to me. If his feet were glued to the ground do you think he would not have rotated a degree or two?

A brave (and probably very scared) young man, reverting to his training instantly, followed up on his near demise only to restrain and then medically assist his assailant... heroic from my point of view.

I wonder how long his captors will remain locked up before they're allowed to hit the streets again to do more of the same?

Great body armor, great initial response, great after action response... and we'll never hear or see it on the news. Thank goodness for the internet.


New member
Double Naught Spy,

Did someone pee in your Cheerios this morning?

I say thanks to Point Blank because it was their product that worked in that video. An MRE didn't save the life of that soldier right there.

I see what you are saying about the impact, but I think that given the brevity of the article, saying that the soldier was 'knocked down by the impact' is a much better way than saying, "the soldier reacted to the impact of the bullet on his chest by going to the ground." Yeah, he wasn't thrown across the room like in the movies, but still, bullet hitting chest = soldier going down. He went down from the impact (probably felt like getting punched by Mike Tyson).

In any case, putting aside who we should be thanking, or the subtle differences in semantic meaning in the article, or liberal media conspiracies, I am just very thankful that soldier is alive and well, and I am well and truly impressed at his conduct on the battlefield. That is all.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Well, I'm downright flabbergasted! CNN, probably the most liberal media group going, just did an extensive look at Steve Chitterer (sp?), the soldier involved here. They portrayed him as a true hero and interviewed his family and friends. Maybe there's hope for (some) liberals after all! :D


New member

What day and time? Darn it all that I would miss such a historical event of CNN getting it right?

thanks for that shared info......... ;)

Regards....... Rojoe67
Foxy, I eat rougher stuff than pee in cherios for breakfast.

Sure, be thankful the soldier is alive. Fine. No problem. His Point Blank armor, however, did nothing special and Point Blank makes a profit from the contract.

An MRE may not have saved that very soldier right there, but they do keep many alive when they would not otherwise survive. That is simply what the gear is designed to do.

Whether the soldier was knocked to the ground or just let his knees buckle when he was struck is not just semantics. It is was a definitive attempt at hyping the lethality of the sniper round and how the armor did such an amazing job. The armor performed nominally and the soldier let his knees buckle.

What is wrong with the truth?

Long Path

New member
DN Spy is somewhat correct-- generally a bullet cannot "knock a man down"-- there's not enough momentum and KE. Otherwise, the shooter would be knocked down. Newton's law of action and reaction, don'tcha know.

That said, the right KE into the solar plexus can certainly stun the body so that it's impossible to remain standing. This is more about shock than physics, though.

While Point Blank made a product that behaved nominally here, consider that some major suits are out there against even older companies with new technology that is behaving sporadically with heat and time.

who has worn Point Blank, Second Chance, and other brands for years.