Thank you, Mr. Eatman.


New member
In another thread I described the problems I was having with a M70 in .25-06. It would not group, at all. 4-5" at 100yds were the results with a variety of factory loads. Mr. Eatman suggested checking the bedding so I did. Initially it looked fine but then I took a closer look with a magnifying glass and tiny bubbles/drops of varnish/shellac were evident especially towards the breach end of the barrel. I sanded them down, reassembled, and then took some wax paper as was recommended and placed it between the front of the stock and the barrel just out of sight. This whole operation took about 10 minutes.

To the range this morning, I set up and shot several 5 shot groups. First up was Winchesters 115gr Silvertip which gave best results of a 4" group and some profanity. It was better but not much. Next was Winchester 85gr Silvertip which had best results of a 2" group and if you throw out the flyer a 3/4" group! Finally I tried some Remington 100gr Core Loct and got a 2" group. This is a fantastic improvement in my opinion and I now feel comfortable trying to handload for even better results. Looks like the rifle may not like the longer bullets but that's fine by me I have other calibers to go heavy with.

My purtiest rifle now shoots purty good too. Thanks again.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Always good to know that what's worked for me also helps somebody else.

When I'm browsing along at gunshows, I keep an eye out for usable bullets. Sometimes I've found part-boxes or older stuff that I can pick up cheaply and test. (I just really hate to buy a new, full box and then find out my pet rifle doesn't like them. :( )

Anyway, for whatever reason, I've never had good luck for accuracy with Silvertips in my '06s. No idea why. Generally, Sierras have done me best in .22, .243 and .308.

I've not loaded for a .25-'06, but I've killed about 20 deer with an 85-grain bullet from a .243. From that, I'd venture that an accurate load with a bullet of 85 to 100 grains from the .25-'06 oughta do a good job of putting meat on the table. And the lighter bullet oughta work well for coyotes.



New member
I have a 25-06 with a 26" Shilin barrel on a '98 Mauser action in a composite stock. It loves 100 gr Ballistic Tips with medium loads of IMR 4350. Death on small to mid-sized whitetails too! Good luck finding a good load.

Peter M. Eick

New member

If I can get out on the ranch this year I promised to try and get you out there (you may not remember but I do). Anyway, I will be shooting my 25-06 700 sendero so if we can swing it, you will be able to try out a 25-06.

Things may be a bit rough this year. Not good money in cattle and oil/gas has been off. I think the paying customers might get preference over the free-bee's like me and you.