Thank You, Bobby Smith.


New member
On 04-10th & 11th i attended conference in Decorah,Ia put on by N.E. Iowa drug task force. The first speaker on Monday morning was an ex- Louisana state trooper named Bobby Smith.

Trooper Smith was shot in the face at @ 29 feet and blinded for life on a vehicle stop on 03-14-1987.

There were @ 50+ police officers from different agencies attending that morning. Trooper Smith spoke on many subjects, and it became clear to all there that morning that his message was on born from a man with a spirt that few ever see in others, let alone possess. While he spoke his message was meant for all, but seemed like he was talking to each and every man and women on an individual basis.

There was some soul searhing done that morning in that hall. Through a mix of humor and personal vision he spoke to his experiance and how as police officers this related to us and how it effects our daily lives and our loved ones. How we as police officers tend to isolate ourselfs from others and tend to relate only to members from our chosen profession.

Only twice in my lifetime have i heard someone speak with such clarity and heartfelt emotion. This man in his Blindness..... helped me see father.... opened my eyes.. reflect into why and what i do, on and off my job. I would have never guessed that my out look on police work and life in general would be changed that morning in that small town.

Trooper Smith challenged us with a task when we went home after our two day conference. I am proud to say that i made a vow to do this and have done so.

God bless and Thank you: Trooper Bobby Smith. Your words are filled with hope and meaning for all who wish to listen. I'm a better person because of you. 12-34hom.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>... How we as police officers tend to isolate ourselfs from others and tend to relate only to members from our chosen profession. ...[/quote]

12-34, it seems a natural thing to do. In a profession that can consume your every waking minute, it's difficult not to close with your own.

The above quote stood out to me. I remember the hot debates here just a month or so back on the subject of LEOs. Those "debates" will be back.

Good for you. Officer Smith is a hero. All heroes aren't in the history books. Some are still walking around. Most of them just did what they were sworn to do ... and that's damned plenty today.