Thank You All.


New member
I make it a personal habit to congratulate my American correspondents, and people on forums I frequent, on the 4th of July. Usually, I try to find something important to say to them, but this year, I'm flat out. Maybe I'm just too cynical after some of the recent events, but I don't have anything to say outside of the obvious:

What happened in 1776 was not just important for Americans. It was an event that shook the world – because it proved that the idea of freedom isn't just yet another utopia. That freedom can work. That freedom is an option.

The tyrants can take over the world, and they can make us all slaves. But they cannot change the past. The very fact that at one point in the past, men risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to declare liberty, and then maintained this liberty for generations, is a blow to tyrannies of all kinds. And they know it. Men like Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams are dangerous to them, even two centuries later.

The message of Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams is uniquely American – but it is also eternal. It reminds us overseas – it reminds all people in the world – that no matter what injustice we are subjected to, we are all, ultimately, free. We deserve to be free. We are no worms, crawling under the throne of some king or almighty leader, we are human beings, with human dignity and freedom inherent to our very nature. That is the message of America.

America is the land of endless opportunity – because America is the land of freedom.

America is the land of limitless wealth – because America is the land of freedom.

America is the land of almost unstoppable military might – because America is the land of freedom.

Never has this power, or this wealth, been America's share because it has some special resources, or minerals, or because its people have the right diet. Forever has America's message been: “Do what we do, accept our message of freedom, and you will be wealthy and powerful and happy, just like us.”

America's message is one that America can share with the world – freely – and does share, freely, without losing her wealth, or its power. Because freedom is not hoarded, nor is it rationed.

The message of freedom is universal. That message, above all else, is America's gift to the world.

Thank you, America.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
That is very humbling, MB.

I would say, "You're welcome", but that would be wrong in many ways. I too am thankful of the stand taken by my forefathers. I am blessed with a GGG grand father as a member of the Continental Line. Christopher McRae, a Scot immigrant, along with his wife Catherine, of the McLeods, came to the new world for that exact promise of freedom they had been taught, but not permitted to experience.

In short, Thank You, MB for reminding us that the dream of our fathers is still alive.

Happy Independence Day to everyone.


This will be a "sticky" for today.


New member
Very well said. Let us hope and pray none of that changes. Happy Independence Day to all.


New member
Beautiful, very well done MB.

Now if we can get the majority of Americans to understand and respect these things that have given us freedom, rather than taking it for granted they we will be free simply by virtue of simply existing.

Have a wonderful Independence Day to all.


New member
A Hearty AMEN!

Very well written.My goal today is to call every Veteran I know and tell 'em Thanx! Land of the Free,BECAUSE of the Brave!


New member
I read a quote, the source of which I can't remember which came to mind upon reading this: "You might enslave my body, but I am forever free in my mind."

This might seem self limiting at first glance, but it was uttered at a time when being enslaved was irrevocable, short of death. Our forefathers decided they would accept death to end the enslavement. I am thankful to them and hope I will make the same choice, should it become necessary.

Just found another quote which fits here:

Are you hungry?
Are you thirsty?
Is it a fire that burns you up inside?
How bad do you want it?
How bad do you need it?
Are you eating, sleeping, dreaming
With that one thing on your mind?
How bad do you want it?
How bad do you need it?
Cause if you want it all
You've got to lay it all out on the line[
Tim McGraw

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New member
Hey all you American brothers and sisters in arms. I am a young man and i have never had to fight for freedom or survival so i cant say i realy know how to apriciate freedom, but i will try. I dont know what its like to not be free, i have never been in any war and for that i am glad, i hear war is a horrific thing. My freedom is not a deserved freedom, its a innhereted freedom, but make no mistake i will defend whats mine, my freedom, with my final heart beat and my last breath becouse i look at freedom as a gift from my Mother and Father, a gift pased down trhoug generations, from Mother to doughter and Father to son. Freedom is a family heirloom that is so precious that i will protect it with my life.

I will protect my family and friends form all enemies, the Norwegian people is my family and our allies is my friends. I owe my life to America, without you guys i would speak German, and if not that, Russian. America took a stepp forward when nobody else dered. The same goes for Iraq, it was a mosqito on the worlds back, and you slapped it, HARD. I dont realy care if it was for oil, WMD, or the freedom of the people of Iraq it was a jobb that needed to be done and you did it when nobody had the guts, the is what differs America from the rest.

America, thank you and happy Independence Day, for this day is yours.
From your dear allied and friend, Norway​


New member
I will protect my family and friends form all enemies, the Norwegian people is my family and our allies is my friends. I owe my life to America, without you guys i would speak German, and if not that, Russian. America took a stepp forward when nobody else dered. The same goes for Iraq, it was a mosqito on the worlds back, and you slapped it, HARD. I dont realy care if it was for oil, WMD, or the freedom of the people of Iraq it was a jobb that needed to be done and you did it when nobody had the guts, the is what differs America from the rest.

Thanks Bruno...

This is an old poster from WWII, but I think it applies to all time, and have always believed in what it says...



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