
New member
Something to ponder. I was speaking with friends in Europe and Asia during the holidays, and I brought up the fact of how many firearms training schools we have to choose from, and who is running them.

They were familiar with some of the names
(Harry Humphries!) and couldn't hardly believe how lucky Americans are to have access to such things. Well, they're absolutely right. The availability of such subjects to civilians here is pretty widespread. True, you may not be trained directly by Harry or Massad or Marcinko or Clint, but they are not going to employ second rate people either!

Although these schools are not free, the quality of instruction that's out there cannot be had at any price in many countries.

We should all be thankful.... I am.

Jeff Thomas

New member
While we're on the subject, do you know of any such schools you would recommend in or around Arizona? Most seem to be in the northeastern U.S. Thank you.


New member
Jeff, I get a little shy on recommendations, because I haven't been to a firearms school in Arizona yet. However, two that come to mind are Gunsite, and Frontsight. Frontsight is run by Chuck Taylor, and he has a good no nonsense attitude. Both have good reputations, and you can get more info on this forum on the pistol thread. There are contributors that have actually been to Gunsite, et al, and can give you specifics.

If you can, definitely go to GSGI in California. It's run by Harry Humphries, and, given his reputation, he's surrounded himself with top notch people. You'll recognize some of his instructors. His web page is a must see. His classes are very reasonably priced, and the class descriptions and pictures speak for themselves. It definitely would be an asset to your training.

You can check their web pages for info and class schedules at: and

good luck!

Rob Pincus

New member
Funny thing is, thanks to TFL and the internet, those people now have access to Harry and several other great resources, too.
Sign Them Up!

The area of Prescott and Phoenix is a hotbed of good training opportunities including Chuck Taylor, Louis Auerbuck, Gunsite, Jim Crews and many others. In addition, you're within striking distance of Walt Marshall and Harry Humphries...see our links section for their web sites.


New member
David: Chuck Taylor hasn't 'run' Front Sight in more than a year. He used to be the senior instructor, but resigned in rather poor fashion after coming into conflict with the owner, Dr. Ignatius Piazza.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Thank you very much for the great leads. My oldest boy and I will take advantage of this training. As always, I appreciate the tips. Happy New Year.

PS - David, your web site references are great. Note that Frontsight is now on their own domain - . Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 12-31-98).]

Munro Williams

New member
Only in America....

Whenever I tell other nationalities that the USA is proof agains coups because the people out-gun and outnumber the military, they stop for a second and are speechless. The 2nd Amendment makes the USA the world's Temple of Freedom. Other folks realize this rather graphically. Why can't we?