TFL One weapon pick


New member
If you were to pick one thing that revolutionized the gun world what gun would you say and why? Let the discussion begin. You can go back to the beginning or start from present times shotguns rifles, pistols and or machine guns of any sorts.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I would have to say that the biggest advance after the actual invention of firearms would be two fold.... first the revolver, which lead to (or at least preceded) other "repeating" arms and then cartridge based weapons.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Obviously one of those stone pots that shot an arrow. No first gun based on gunpowder - nothing else after.

Or the first use of primers - without them, no modern guns.


New member
Eli Whitney and mass production and standardized parts.
The industrial revolution worked with firearms as well. As we got better at things like forming steel and mixing chemicals we were able to apply that to a bunch of tools and machines.

Can't say for certain it was Whitney. It's just that most of the history books give him credit.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Fascinating, isn't it... trying to identify the "most important?

Several innovations are critical to modern firearms. Rifling didn't even occur to me but, obviously, it's critical to long range accuracy.

Difficult to rank some things... when several are virtually interdependent.


New member
I suppose the first and most important invention in the development of firearms would have to be fire.

Withou fire there would be no steel, no projectiles, and no combustion of the propellant, etc. Of course... Without fire we would probably still be living in caves and hurling stones at our next meal.:D


New member
Interesting question

It's quite difficult to pick just one innovation. The evolution of firearms is like a house of cards, each innovation supports the next level of invention. Rmove one card and the hole thing tumbles to the ground.

That said, it I were to pick one revolutionary concept, it would be self-contained cartridges. The introduction of pre-loaded, self-primed ammunition made the gun something that was simpler to use, safer, more effective and much more reliable.
Although even as I type this, I can think of a dozen other innovations that could be #1.


New member
Gunpowder circa 1st century, China

Everything after that (including incredibly amazing 14th century Nepalese LEATHER cannons) is secondary.


New member
British "Brown Bess", without which the 'sun never sets on the British Empire' thing would never have happened.


New member
The stock fitted to fire from the shoulder, Prior to that development long guns were held under the arm and pointed.


New member
I'm surprised so many people have said rifling, smokeless powder and self contained cartridges.

peetzakilla had the right answer. All these other things just made guns slightly better at doing what they already did. None of the above things changed anything, fundamentally. But the revolver did. You could "load it on Sunday and fire it all week" as the saying went. This changes the tactics. Previously, you loaded, fired, then got killed while you were busy reloading. Or took cover or whatever. The first repeating guns changed that.

After that, it's the machinegun. This was the next time that a gun came along that changed the way guns are used.