TFL Musicians--how do you carry at gigs?

Dave R

New member
The thread on motorcycle "what do you ride and how do you carry" had a small hijack about musicians--what do you play and how do you carry at gigs?

So I thought I'd start a dedicated thread for TFL musicians. What DO you play and how DO you carry at gigs?

I play a '73 Jazz bass through a Crate BX-100 amp. Play in an "oldies" band.

Carry a P-3AT in strongside pocket hoster. If its a "dress-up gig" like a wedding, I'll carry it crossdraw in the left inside pocket of a blazer or jacket.

After all, you never know when some belligerant drunk metalhead is going to get agressive in the middle of your Carpenters cover set...(j/k)

Jamie Young

New member
I worked in the music business for 11yrs and I couldn't do it 90% of the time. Security checks and being in clubs and bars with a firearm is a no no. Plus I was travelling across State lines often.

I've cheated in bad areas but sometimes I kept an empty beer bottle in the pocket just incase.

What did I play? 2 Jazz Basses, Fender P-bass, G&L bass and a GK800 with 115T EV cabinet.

Studio Engineer


New member
I haven't played a gig in about 7 years now ( :eek: where DID the time go :confused: ) but I'd probably go with exactly what I carry all the time - .45 Kimber Pro Carry in Milt Sparks VM2 IWB at 4 o'clock.

Oh, and the axe is a '64 L-series Strat through a Fender Studio Lead; used to have a MESA/Boogie Mk IV Combo, but the little Fender is fine for occasional gigs and mikes well through a Shure 57 if needed.


New member
Packing in liqour establishments here is a no-no.

I carry a 10" Swamp Rat knife instead when playing. It's sheathed inside the back of my amp rig. I also never forget that when I'm on stage or near it, I'm carrying a very heavy piece of alder with a Fender sticker on the "handle". God help who gets nailed with that. :D


New member
I carry an S&W M60 3" with a Barami HipGrip and two speed strips in different pants pockets when I'm playing anywhere but church. (I won't carry there unless I'm asked to make the deposit of church funds.) I play a Peavy Fury II bass and a Peavy 300 Combo amp. (Going to upgrade to a Fender Zone and a Carvin 600W 2-10"/tweeter combo with an additional 18" cabinet.)
Basses I've owned:
Fender P-bass
2 Rick 4001's
Gibson Ripper
Gibson RD Artist
Gibson Thunerbird (reissue)
Carvin LB70
Fender P-Lyte
Peavy Fury II
First bass=no name....
I liked the P-Lyte best, but the Zone looks, plays, and sounds like a "product improved" P-Lyte.


New member
I play bass guitar and sing. I'm usually using an Ibanez but have a Yamaha 5 string sitting around as a back up.

At gigs I carry what I usually carry: My Springfield MilSpec in a strong side hip holster.


New member
I play the radio. I used to play bass, but not very well.

I find it very interesting that 4 out of 6 above replies are Bass players.


New member
I like to open carry while playing out...



Stu Gotts

New member
Hi All, I have made my living as a pro musician all my life, 48 yrs of gigs.
I have carried in New York, Oregon, Washington State and now Florida. I usualy wear a fanny pack into the club and take it off right away and store it behind my amp. I play guitar, for 20 years I used a Guitorgan, now I am back to playing my 62 Jazzmaster through a 63 Twin Reverb, my stuff is old just like me. I mostly record now. smooth jazz, pop and blues. Stu

Hi-Power Hobbit

New member
nralife, that's a great picture. Looks like an old Gibson Security Model chambered in .10-46. :D I play guitar in a local Rock & Roll band. Carrying in a bar is a big no-no. I leave my FEG Hi-Power in my locked vehicle. Once while playing at a club close to a militay base in Hinesville, GA , a few GI guys wanted to get nasty with the band. One really drunk guy kept asking to get on stage and play my Les Paul. I repeatedly told him no. On his last attempt, he tried to climb up on the stage with his buddies goading him on. As he made the step up onto the two foot high stage in front of me I unhooked the strap at the back of the guitar, swung it out and tapped him on the forehead with the body while holding the neck. I swung it back and rehooked the straplock. He hit the floor flat on his back(out cold) and the bouncers dragged him out of the club. When we got ready to leave he and his buddies were waiting in the parking lot. An altercation ensued but it only lasted long enough for our other guitar player to reach the van and retrieve his Colt 1911A1(Chrome with Pearl Grips, of course!) :eek: . Shots were fired into the air and the GI guys were last seen heading for their vehicle at a fast low crawl. We loaded into the van and beat them out of the parking lot. Just one more crazy night playing on the road.

So, to all of you musicians that are here and over at THR

Rock on and Good Shooting,

Doug Burchfield
Intrepid 9mm


New member
I rarely carry at gigs because I know I'll wind up having a drink. If I know I'm not going to drink I carry my 1968 S&W 36 in a bianchi shadowII just behind my hip.

Now for the fun part...
If it is a bass gig I bring my 63 precision and my 02 precision deluxe as a backup. If it's an acoustic gig I bring my Tacoma Thunderchief which I absolutely LOVE!!!! If I'm feeling really brave I bring my Carvin fretless that I built from a kit. For an amp I use a solid state SVT350 through a carvin 410.

If it is a guitar gig I bring my 92-93 American Strat Deluxe (lace sensors) and my Les Paul Studio as a backup. Sometimes I bring my pink (crushed burgandy japanese telecaster that is wired so I can control all pickups seperately.(2 Nashville Studios and a Pearly Gates in the bridge. Contemporary Telecaster..mid 80's) For an amp I use a Johnson stereo150 or a POD into the board. THe Mesa/Boogie MKIII is too heavy to lug around. :)


New member

I'll agree on the Boogie Mk III - that's why I loved the Mk IV Combo. But the Fender Studio Lead (first solid state amp I ever really liked) works just fine for what I do these days (which is not much beyond an occasional jam.)


New member
Hi-Power Hobbit,

First, welcome to The Firing Line!

Great story! Now I truly know why some guitars being sold on eBay have in their descriptions "never been gigged with." LOL

Hope you didn't hurt the Les Paul. Them things don't come cheap.

A High Power has always been on my wish list.

One day a long time ago I was looking at an old GI nickel plated .380 in a pawn shop. The old timer behind the counter told me that chrome pistols might not be the best thing to have in a gunfight due to their reflective nature. They give away your position or some such. That may be true, but I can also see how they could be a benefit in a situation like yours. In a dark parking lot, where you are just wanting to defuse a bad situation, people are for sure going to be able to see that you are armed....