TFL is Rapidly Appraoching 1 Million Posts


New member
Get the champagne corks prepped, we're almost there...

I know we pride ourselves on quality over quantity, whch makes this milestone all the more spectacular.

As the odometer zooms towards the roll-over point, I'd like to say thanks to Rich and the Minions for a fine site, a fine job and many happy returns on the road to 2,000,000. Your efforts are very much appreciated and you do freedom loving people, of not only the USA but of the world, a great service here!

Thank you, and congratulations on the Million.

- Gabe


New member
Yes, thank you Rich and the same to everyone else (members too) who make this lively board possible.

In the few years I have been around (read much, post little) I really have learned more about guns and such than I ever thought I would.

I'm not embarassed to say I was pretty much an "anti" most of my life. For sentamental reasons I wanted a 1911 like I used in the Navy. I came across Thefiringline and have been hooked ever since. Thanks for showing me the light ya'll.


now how close are we to a mil?


Moderator Emeritus
Heck, it's only twenty minutes later and we're up to 999,463.

I bet we'll be over a million before I get back from seeing Episode II tonight. ;)