TFL is NOT a website promoting violence.


New member
WoHooooo!!! With the new net filters in place I'm STILL able to get in here! :D Must be true then - TFL does NOT promote violence!

:D :D :D
Two weeks ago I thought I was dead in the water for access to TFL when we went to a new configuration at the office.

Tried logging in and got a security violation because of "weapons."

Later that day the barriers were dropped... Curious...

And oh man, someone just made microwave popcorn here at the office. WHY does that stuff smell so freaking good?


New member
Mike irwin...

"WHY does that stuff smell so freaking good?"

Popcorn is the older S&W (aka *&*) revolvers of the junk food world. Ya just can't say no!


New member
The web filters here screen out EAA's website, but no other gun-related website I can find. Maybe because there are pictures of fully-dressed women with firearms?


New member
GunBroker - yes, Auction Arms - No.:( This sucks 'cause I'm bidding at AA and I can't check it 'til I get home. No accounting for these filters, I guess.



New member

"There are fully-dressed women on the Internet???"

Yeah, there are all sorts of perverse things on the internet. Some guys get turned on by this.



New member
One of my friend's wives is chief of computer security for a big corporation. So she monitors how much time is wasted at various websites then applies filters depending on how many people spend too much time where.

The first sites she had to close down were surprisingly parts catalogs, racing and football sites, then the matchmaker sites, then around a month before hunting season started last year she had to start filtering anything related to guns, outdoors and hunting.

Her decision wasn't political, just to save the company network costs related to hobbies. :rolleyes: