TFL Has Been Banned!

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New member
At least on my work computer. I like to check out what everyone is saying on my breaks or before I start work in the morning as I'm there at least 15 min early. I'll admit I've stayed on longer than I should at times but I don't kill any more time during the day than the smokers. Nothing against you guys I just don't do it.

What is kind of funny is it has been filtered because of the category: "WEAPONS"
I get the little nasty gram saying my IP address and user name has been logged. It kind of makes me want to see how many times I can try to log on before they yank my computer. I work of the Army for cryin out loud. Why would we ban anything to do with weapons in my line of work.

I guess I'll just have to check out the forum before and after work, and wish I had something to do other than drink coffee on my breaks.


New member
Surfcontrol and Websense is what my employer uses. They used to allow proxy sites, but they have been locked out now as well.

I just bring my laptop in with an air card.


New member
could you take a small whittling knife and soft wood and whittle images of yer fav guns to leave laying around?

Or you could whittle some voodoo dolls, cast a little spell,
then start sticking pins in them.;)
Maybe the "'Net Nazis" would get the point.:eek:



New member
As a "net nazi" myself all I can say is it's nothing personal. I doubt your nazis even made the policy. Those filters are pretty much blanket things but you can usually put in exceptions. All you got to do is get some General interested in the forum and viola! it becomes available again!

The Army won't let you look at websites about "weapons"?

That's insane. I guess they don't bother to modify the civilian software they use...

I can understand them not wanting to write their own software for basic internet stuff, but it's hard to believe that they are so lazy as to use the default settings.

Keep trying and see what happens. If the chain-o-command rags on you for looking at guns, post the text of the conversation here for entertainment value if nothing else.


New member
Get a Blackberry. Cingular and T-Mobile have plans around $30 a month. Would you pay $1 a day to surf when and where you want? I would and I do.


As those internet phones and blackberries become common, and bosses can't filter the internet anymore, will anything actually get done anymore?

I hate computers, they are the biggest productivity drain the world has every known. Too bad they are also responsible for a great increase in productivity.

For me the interweb is definately a love/hate thing.


New member
lucky me

I can do anything i want on my computer at work,I ve been finding the owners deals online for ,trailers,blackpowder ,centerfires,cars reloading supplies,machinery.They have never cared what I do,of course Im not stupid about it either.


New member
I am always amazed that people in the US can use the internet at work at all for private surfing even on their breaks with the company's bandwidth. They are paying for it after all and I guess not to be used for such private matters. You could wait till you are offduty.


New member
We don't block sites.

If anyone has the time to be surfing apart from lunch, break or after work, we view it as a failure of management for not keeping everyone occupied with constructive work.

Since I have charge of the IT department, the forum may safely assume that, should TFL ever wind up the "blocked" list, it's a sure-fire sign that I've retired.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Groundhog and Jart have it right.

Though interesting, this topic is not firearms related.

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