TFL going the way of


New member
Maybe I just paranoid, but has anyone else noticed that TFL is considerably slower tonight. It is taking upwards of a minute to load pages for me. Just wondering if what is happening at is spreading over here. :(

Mal H

Yes, it is extremely slow. I can't get into the handgun forum at all. Maybe the trolls have already started. ;)


Moderator Emeritus
Seems like the whole net is slow tonite. Took over 2 minutes for Drudge to load up

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
Thank God I decided to try this page and found out that others were having trouble also. I was afraid thatmy computer was on the blink. Whats going on at ar15?


Good Guy

New member
What's going on at .....

Connection refused

Description: Connection refused

Just one of the Good Guys
The problem is resource drain due to sheer size and volume: 150k requests per day and 1.5 Gig data transfer daily!

Hopefully it's under control now. See the Announcements.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited January 19, 2000).]