TFL Democratic primary

Dem candidate?

  • Bayh

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Biden

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Clark

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Daschle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edwards

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Feingold

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Richardson

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Vilsack

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warner

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 43.5%

  • Total voters


I can do that. What info would you like me to add?

Since this is a firearms site, how about their stances on the 2nd? In the case of the obivous ones, an estimate of how long after they are elected before they ban guns would suffice.

BTW, I will hold off on voting until I hear you out.

A disgruntled republican looking for options.:D

Scott Conklin

New member
Bayh plays to the social conservative side. Meanwhile he bankrupted this state during his 8 years as governor. On the national scale he's been an inoffensive bit of "white-bread" that the Dems hope will appeal to the good little Christians, or what they stereotypically think are such. He's no friend to gun owners. Think of Gore's swing there. The Dems definitely do have presidential plans for the little goober, though. (For those with long memories, keep in mind this is Birch Bayh's there was a real winner).


New member
Keep in mind that I am one who loathes and detests the D's. I would vote for the most unelectable lefty-lunatic D on the ballot as a protest vote against the R's right now, since I don't see that any of the R candidates as being all that viable. And then vote R in the general election.

Since I haven't really studied them all that much as I consider them to be just various shades of vermin anyway, right now I'd just sit it out from lack of knowledge of the candidates.


New member
I really wouldn't want to do that since it would be editorializing on my part. Better to do the research on your own and form your own opinion.


You're right about the Bayhs, 2nd Amendment

He's no friend to gun owners. Think of Gore's swing there. The Dems definitely do have presidential plans for the little goober, though. (For those with long memories, keep in mind this is Birch Bayh's there was a real winner).

Evan Bayh is a wolf in sheep's clothing - which is why he appealed to The Sheeple of Indiana as much as he did. He balanced the budget in Indiana during his years as governor, allowing him to trumpet his virtues as a "fiscal conservative" during his senate run.

Balancing the state budget is no big feat, when you do it by spending billions that are intended for road and highway repairs and let the roads go to hell for eight years. Those of you who live in Indiana know what I'm talking about.

There's a reason there's so many 4X4s on the road in Indiana - small cars are beat to junk after a couple of years of driving on Indiana's pothole system.

When Bayh left the governor's office, Indiana's roads were in about the same condition as the roads in Bhagdad.:barf: :barf: :barf:
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I'd vote for Bill Richardson, gov of New Mexico. He recently obtained a CCW permit in NM.:D He's a friend of the gun rights crowd and he has advocated a tough stance on immigration. Out of all the loser dem's listed above, I believe he'd be the best choice, he's certainly the least hostile to gun rights.

Scott Conklin

New member
That was indeed a lot of it, steel. A lot of other money disappeared in a lot of other creative ways, too. Then there was the whole ongoing property tax fiasco... His successor/cronie sort of got the crappy end of the stick, though he was just as fundamentally manipulative as Evan himself. Sadly the guy in office now, who actually is working on fixing the mess, is getting more flack for the healing process than Bayh and O'Bannon got for making the mess... :rolleyes: The sheep don't like it when the government takes away the free feed.

I see Bayh as representative of the entire Dem field. I know him, actually know him somewhat. His family and mine go back a while(less than pleasantly generally) and his basic dishonesty and hostility towards fundamental "conservative" (read Constitutional) ideals just reflects that of the entire upper echelons of the Dem establishment. I think that dishonesty will get him the presidency, though. Just not this time around. I look for him, with Obama as VP, just as soon as Hillary gets her shot(win or lose).


New member
I too voted for Richardson.

I think that if we're going to have to be cursed with a D, one from a western (no Pacific coast pukes) state will likely be the least hostile.


New member
This is one poll I can't consider voting. A pox on all their houses!

not to thread jack but at least this one is still open i couldnt beleive that it didnt make it more than about 2 days before things got heated and out of bounds. i think this is going to be the undoing of republicans in '06, and '08. at least this thread appears to be just as undecided about who the dems are going to select for their run in '08.


I saw a headline yesterday on AOL that said Gore was thinking about running again. (I am not a Democrat or a liberal btw....just curious :D )


I think that the poll is a little premature. Once we see how the November elections go and how Congress sits. If it is a conservative leaning bunch, the impact of an anti-gunner would be thwarted. If on the other hand it is a liberal House and Senate, then I think we can kiss our rights goodbye if a D gets in the White House.

GoSlash27, I think I'll have to vote other, for either a Republican or a Democrat that is known to suppport our rights.