TFL Brain Trust: need ideas for self-defense award(s)

Jeff Thomas

New member
Mothers Arms ( ) is considering the creation of one or more awards to recognize the bravery and courage of women who defend themselves, their families and innocent others. We need your ideas, seriously.

What might we call the award(s), and what might we provide? Money is an object - we're not loaded, and besides, the recognition is the important part.

My only ideas so far are MA's Golden Arms Award and MA's Medal of Honor Award - probably a plaque in each case.

I'll appreciate any and all ideas from you, ASAP. The first one will likely go to the brave woman who recently shot the rapist scumbag in Phoenix - the one who also shot his rape victim 3 times and left her for dead. If the local media won't handle these stories responsibly, then maybe we can.

Thanks. Regards from AZ


Member In Memoriam
Their own life saved would be enough but I do like the idea. The Golden Bullet! pin.

On the tender side - some may view their successful defense as victorious/elated - others may never want to have the experience brought up again. The reliving of the horror of an attack can linger for years, causing all manner of psychological problems.

Would be a good idea to check first with intended recipient.

Too, do press releases to several outlets at once & make 'em clammor - pit the newsies against each other so they can "be first," etc.


New member
I agree with LabGrade. In contacting people for interviews, probably 60% don't want to talk about it. The percentage is even higher with women and minorities. But the idea of recognition of these womens' efforts is oustanding!


Jeff Thomas

New member
Thanks for the encouragement, and I agree with the sensitivity issue - the 'Mark of Cain' problem, as I've been taught. Perhaps, if done well, this recognition could also help them deal with the trama - for example, we could have a small network of such brave women, and they could help counsel each other in such a time of difficult emotions.

Keep those ideas coming, along with a name - what do we call this award / recognition?


[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited February 03, 2000).]


Staff Emeritus
The title of your organization may say all that you need to say, "Mother's Arms".
(Not sure where the apostrophe goes...)

"Mother's Arms Award for Bravery" (?)
*Surely* you've thought of all the wonderful variations on this theme.

The name is a great double entendre - and has more than one meaning too! ;)

Long Path

New member
Dennis: "The name is a great double entendre - and has more than one meaning too! "

Great quote from the Department of Redundancy Department! ;)



New member
"Reponsible Defense Medal"?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Just Simply "The Mother's Arms Award"

Or the "Momma Bear Award" if you need a gimick. Nothing is more notorious for defending her kids than a Mother Bear.

Mrs Kodiac will be at this gunshow this saturday promoting Mother's Arms by the way... She is loving the idea of getting active in this.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

Futo Inu

New member
Dennis, "Mother's Arms" = 1 Mother's Arms (1 mother has 2 arms)

"Mothers' Arms" = more than 1 Mothers' Arms


New member
How about something along the lines of MA's Ultimate Love Award. Something to tie in the fact that through the Mothers Love for her family, she has made the ultimate sacrafice. This award is in appreciation of that love.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.


New member

I don't have any ideas for the name of the award, but would be glad to donate a couple of my books to you to give in addition to the award. Email me if interested.



New member
How about the "Mother's Love" award. All mothers love -- and protect -- the weak and vulnerable . . . and it would be wonderful to see the "antis" in opposition to a mother's love!

[This message has been edited by RWK (edited February 05, 2000).]

Ed Brunner

New member
It's a good idea, but the recipient probably doesn't have to be a mother. So let's go easy on the symbolism.
Also what is the basic reason for the award and what do you expect to achieve. Once those questions are answered the rest should be easy.

Better days to be,


Jeff Thomas

New member
Dennis, Futo,
They don't use any apostrophe. It was discussed, but for various artistic and communication reasons it was decided to simply ignore it. It does generate a surprising amount of comment - hoo sed were 'n iliterit nashun? ;)

Lots of good ideas - thanks a lot!

Ed, you're right - those questions are critical to the development of such an award. As I see it, the award would have a number of purposes: (1) recognize valor and courage by a woman in a self defense situation (she would not literally have to be a mother); (2) publicize the fact that self defense is an honorable and appropriate part of human behavior; (3) publicize the importance of various training, knowledge and skills for successful self defense; and (4) publicize Mothers Arms and its mission.

Thanks for the great ideas - please keep them coming.


New member
How about considering something along the line of "The Gift of Life" award? Using the theme that she saved her and her childrens' lives, and many times others (as in the Phoenix incident), thereby giving "the Gift ...".

I think this would have a more positive resonance with women than "Bravery" or "Arms" which still has a combative connotation. The bravery is surely there, but I'm taking an emotional approach.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.