TFL at IUPUI? (offshoot of the 'Firearm friendly college?' thread)

Ben Swenson

New member
As I walking out of the UC building cafeteria today I heard a couple people behind me discussing AR-15s and Class III. Thinking of the 'Firearm friendly college?' thread, I smiled and left. As I was leaving the building, something I had overheard them talking about struck me. It was something about a "firing line" ... which could have been merely a discussion about the previous day's range session or the ROTC rifle training.

My question is: other than Kcustom45 and myself, are there any TFLers attending IUPUI?

If you see a guy running around in a black Molan Labe hat, say Hi.

Also, does the Purdue Rifle & Pistol team have an IUPUI branch?


New member

My little brother goes there. He's on his, let's see, seventh year of a four-year degree. Wish I'd thought of that!

KSFreeman and I can attest that IU-Bloomington used to be a firearm-friendly campus - shooting range in the basement of the Union! Can't attest to nowadays.


New member
Grim news indeed, 2A.:(

My fondest memories of undergrad, outside the young & nubile and plastering the campus with the "Committee in Solidarity with the People of the Baltic States" posters, inter alia, was the rifle & pistol team. Good guys all. [KSFreeman feeling at a loss]


New member
I don't think that PU R&P has a IUPUI branch. It would be cool to start one though! Hopefully the firearm tradition will stay alive and strong at Purdue. I plan on doing things to support the club even after I leave.