Texas v. Rodriguez SYG - Is not - see URL for ongoing

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New member
Rodriguez was convicted of murder and the case was determined by the jury not to be a SYG shooting.

I would let this sit as an example of what Stand Your Ground IS NOT.

During closing arguments, prosecutor Kelli Johnson said Rodriguez started the confrontation when instead of calmly asking Danaher to turn down the music he armed himself with a handgun and a camera and proceeded to harass people at the party.

Johnson said Rodriguez lured and provoked Danaher and two other men to come out onto the street and threatened them by brandishing his gun. Rodriguez did have a concealed handgun license. She said Danaher and the two other men were unarmed and that Rodriguez's life was never in any danger. Danaher's widow had told jurors her husband was not a confrontational person.

"This is not what stand your ground is," Johnson said. "Stand your ground is something the law takes very seriously. The law makes it very clear" when the law can be used.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/06/13/2847744/houston-stand-your-ground-trial.html#storylink=cpy


New member
Rodriquez was a train wreck waiting to happen. He will soon reside in the crossbar hotel at Huntsville, TX: A fitting end for a bully and troublemaker.


New member
After watching the local (DFW) news reports on this case, I'm inclined to agree with the jury's verdict.
I'm not saying I know ALL the facts of the case, but it sure seems that what I did find, did not reenforce his claims of self-defense or SYG.
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