texas shooting.

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New member
If this is too political, the mods can feel free to close or delete this. I won't bring it up again.

I think the local police led the press astray. I'm not saying it was deliberate. They called the firearms the shooters used were AK-47s here we know a real AK-47 is a select fire firearm. Were they really AK-47s. or a knock off that was semi-automatic. If they were AK-47s then they were Assault rifles. If they were not AK-47s just semi auto knock off then they were not assault rifles. Perhaps some on this forum that is closer to Phoenix, TX could put pressure on the local media to find out. After all the public has a right to know. I certainly would like to know.


New member
Who's saying the shooters had AK's?

I've seen no reports that positively identify any of the firearms the attackers used, although some bloggers have identified at least one Kel-Tec Sub 2000 from blown-up press photos of the crime scene investigation.

That said...
rwilson452 said:
I think the local police led the press astray.. a real AK-47 is a select fire firearm... If they were not AK-47s just semi auto knock off then they were not assault rifles.
I believe that the argument that it's not an "assault rifle" because it's semi-auto has become a meaningless dead end when dealing with the general public, the media, or even the police. People have their minds made up about what an "assault rifle" is, and we need to move beyond trying to change that.

Oh yeah, BTW the shooting took place in Garland, TX, but the shooters lived in Phoenix, AZ. :)


New member
WFAA report in Dallas did.
The weapon matters little, and the news media talking heads are little more than that.
What is important is the heads up law enforcement had and took action on, their prep and the results.
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