Texas Lawyers Help Victims


Staff Emeritus
Considering some of the things we've said in the past, we owe them this:


Texas Lawyers Helping Victims of Terrorist Attacks
Contact Kimberly Schmitt
(800)204-2222 or (512)463-1463, Ext. 1720

(Galveston) "What can we do?" That is the question heard
around the country and the world as Americans everywhere come
together as a Nation in light of the horrific attacks that have been
suffered in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania. Most of us are not in a position to show the heroism and great courage that fire fighters, police officers, and construction workers demonstrate as they work to clear the debris still hoping against hope to find people alive in the rubble.

Today, the State Bar of Texas created a relief fund to give Texas
attorneys and firms the opportunity to come together to demonstrate their support of those who have been hurt as well as symbolically reiterate their belief in the ideals that make the United States what it is.

The brainchild of this idea was Austin lawyer Patton Lochridge of
McGinnis Lochridge and Kilgore, who called Spivey and reiterated
that Texas lawyers should collectively do something. His firm - from the maintenance people to the secretaries to the partners - are all giving one day's salary to the effort.

"As citizens of this country we are suffering but we have no idea the impact this devastation is having on the people who are in the center of this attack," said Lochridge. "One day's salary is a minimal contribution to symbolize the huge difference one day in our collective lives has made."

"We are encouraging all firms to follow this firm's lead," said Spivey.

"The State Bar of Texas has a mechanism in place that allows 100
percent of the funds to go to relief."

State Bar of Texas President Broadus Spivey has pledged assistance wherever needed. "As lawyers we have been blessed to live in this country where individual liberties are sacred and where the rule of law has withstood the test of time."

"This is a way Texas lawyers can demonstrate as a profession that we stand ready to assist in any way we can. As lawyers and officers of the court, this attack on our very democracy is especially egregious," said State Bar of Texas Chair of the Board Vidal G. Martinez.

Individual lawyers are giving blood and offering their prayers and
assistance as they feel led. If called upon Texas lawyers will offer legal expertise to those who have been left without wills or other important documents.

" Individual firms and lawyers will do what their hearts tell them to
do," said Spivey. "Many Texas firms have offices and clients that have been directly impacted by this tragedy."

The Galveston County Bar Association was the first organized local bar to learn of and support this effort. Spivey spoke to the local bar on Thursday, Sept. 13, and was not surprised when the organization immediately pledged $2,500.

"Like all good Americans, we need to do something to demonstrate our support for the victims, their families, and our country,"said Galveston County Bar President Russell Burwell, III." This is one way we can help from afar."

Chair of the Board Vidal G. Martinez pledged to get the fund started.

As other needs are identified, State Bar of Texas leaders have pledged their support. In thepast, the bar has sponsored legal clinics for active and inactive members of the military who are quickly called to duty as well as assist local bars and young lawyers organizations when local needs are identified.

Those wishing to contribute to this relief effort may send checks to the Texas Bar Foundation-designated fund for terrorist victims, P.O. Box 12487, Austin, Texas 78711-2487. To donate by credit card, please call the Texas Bar Foundation at (800)204-2222, Ext. 2135. The Foundation accepts gifts by credit card, however the gift amount will be diminished slightly by fees charged by the credit card companies. At this time the bar foundation is attempting to have those fees waived.

The State Bar of Texas is an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Texas that provides education programs for the legal profession and the public, administers the minimum continuing legal education program for attorneys, and manages the attorney discipline system.