Texas Independence Day!

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New member
March 2, 1836

God Bless Texas, General Sam Houston, and all those who fought and bled for us!



New member
Had Santa Anna's forces been armed with something more modern than the Brown Bess it might have been a different story.:p


Most of the Brown Bess muskets delivered by the British were Long Land Pattern, Short Pattern, and India Pattern muskets that were surplus from the Napoleonic Wars. After seeing heavy use, many were old and worn, thus they were often sold at a discount. Thousands were purchased and were used to arm the largely peasant conscript army of the Empire of Mexico. The Mexican Brown Bess would become the main arm of Mexican Army under the command of General and President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. It saw action during the Texas Revolution in 1835 and even continued in use during the Mexican American War in 1846.

Kinda odd to celebrate a revolution started because some folks didn't want to give up their slaves.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
So we post to start an argument?

Bad form.

Closed - and this has nothing to do with TX. As I said to the TX state legislature, I moved from NY. I'm glad to be in TX where I can have a gun and a Big Gulp.
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