Texas gun law clarification


New member
I've been doing research into the gun laws in Texas because I'm going to be moving there in about a year. I'm from Louisiana and here we have a law that says if you're able to posess a firearm legally in your home, you are able to posess one in your car. According to Packing.org, In texas you can't have one in the driver compatment period unless you're a CHL holder or just passing through.

Is this true?! I thought Texas was the gun-friendliest state! Is packing.org wrong? Texas residents please clarify this for me.


New member

The exception for having a handgun on or about your person in your vehicle without a CHL is if you're "travelling." However, "travelling" is not currently defined in the Texas code, so it's open to various interpretations depending on where in the state you're at.

But, there is a bill in the legislature right now that defines travelling. It basically makes your vehicle extended domain so if you can legally own the handgun you can have it on or about your person in your vehicle without a CHL. It passed the House and is now currently pending in Senate committee.


New member
OK, now I'm confused. I am usually travelling (generally defined as more than one county's transit with an overnight stay). Aside from that, I also thought it was acceptable to have one on you going to and from a sporting event i.e.: hunting, target shooting, etc...

Have I and all the cops who pulled me over been wrong?

Granted: you don't want to be caught in Houston or Austin with a handgun in the car, but everywhere inbetween seems safe to me. Heck- I'm almost never without one.


New member
That's right. I totally forgot about the hunting/fishing/sporting activity exception.



(b) Section 46.02 does not apply to a person who:


(4) is engaging in lawful hunting, fishing, or other
sporting activity on the immediate premises where the activity is
conducted, or is directly en route between the premises and the
actor's residence, if the weapon is a type commonly used in the


New member
If they pass that bill it'll be just like the laws here in Louisiana. I hope it goes through before I move to texas.

Actually, it really doesn't matter beacuse I'll have my CHL by then...

Thanks for the info!


New member
Texas was not very gun friendly at all when we had democrat governors. I remember Governor Anne Richards going off one time. " up stands some idjit and asks when we're gonna start letting Texans carry guns in their cars so's they can start shooting at each other on the Interstate. Sheeeeyit Far!"