Texas Governor- CC anywhere


New member
gotta love texas....we went from cuomo to pataki to spitzer here in NY....:mad:

You'd NEVER see a gov of NY ever making a statement like that...:(

I just sent in my vote!!!


Texas Gov. Rick Perry wants guns allowed everywhere

Sounds good to me.


Governor Rick Perry says allow concealed handguns anywhere

(5/01/07 - AUSTIN, TX) - Governor Rick Perry says he believes Texans should be allowed to carry their concealed handguns anywhere.

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That's the Republican's conclusion after pondering how to stop the kind of mass killing that left 33 dead at Virginia Tech.

Under current law, secured airport areas, hospitals, courthouses, bars, churches and schools are among the places where weapons can be banned. That's even if someone has a state license to carry a concealed handgun.

Perry says he opposes any restrictions.

Perry made the remarks at a news conference after meeting with US Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt to discuss ways to prevent mass shootings and enhance school safety. The discussion stems from President Bush's drive to find solutions to such tragedies in the wake of the carnage at Virginia Tech.

About 260,000 Texans who have undergone mandatory background checks and training are licensed to carry a concealed weapon. In the last fiscal year, 180 licenses were revoked and 493 were suspended for unknown reasons.

(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


New member
About 260,000 Texans who have undergone mandatory background checks and training are licensed to carry a concealed weapon. In the last fiscal year, 180 licenses were revoked and 493 were suspended for unknown reasons.

I seriously doubt that even one license has been suspended or revoked for unknown reasons. I'd be willing to bet that every single one of those suspensions and revocations was for known and well-documented reasons, most of which would be fairly quickly available to a reporter who doesn't want to bias his story.

Given that TX will suspend for things like failing to have your license on you while carrying, or failing to update your address within 30 days of moving, I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of those are not for the reasons he'd like readers to imagine.


I had the same thought. The attempt to slant the report I mean.

Even for the sake of argument, 180 and 493 is next to nothing when compared to the 260,000 as a whole


New member
This thing is actually more of a fight against business owners that don't allow guns on their property if I recall correctly. I support most of this but am very leery about bars and court houses. Those are places where emotion can run very high and self control can run very low. I would support some sort of a 'check your gun at the door' policy so they'd be handy if an honest to goodness emergency happened. It'll be interesting if they get this through. CHL holder in a bar. There currently is no limit to your blood alcohol while carrying, just a vague 'can't be impaired' clause that allows lots of leeway both ways. Perhaps we'll have "designated shooters!" :D "None for me, thanks. I'm packin'." :p


What a THOROUGHLY irritating article!

1. He did not say that CHLs should be valid inside the secured area of an airport. That is under federal jurisdiction and it's ridiculous to so much as imply that he's talking about circumventing federal law. He also didn't explicitly mention bars. They simply listed the currently prohibited places and implied that his statement that specifically addressed campuses and churches was explicitly meant to apply to ALL the prohibited places.

2. The comment about revoked and suspended licenses at the end is also a doozie. CHLs can be suspended for something as minor failing to update your address within the allotted time after a move. The implication is that all these revocations and suspensions are some how relevant to how good an idea it is to have CHL holders carrying in more places than they already can.

Their painfully biased poll still has freedom in first place... :D


New member
Even for the sake of argument, 180 and 493 is next to nothing when compared to the 260,000 as a whole.

Next to nothing = 0.2588% actually.

The next questions to ask are the percentages of:
Licensed drivers with suspended/revoked licenses
General contracters with suspended/revoked licenses
Roofing companies with same

You get the point.


New member
I hope those changes pass for you Texans.In Oregon, we can carry in any building, public or private building (including schools,but excepting courthouses and secure areas of airports, jails, and prisons (which I have no real issue with as it applies to LEO's also)), regardless or "no gun" signs (they can be ignored, you just have to leave if asked on private property ), and I have yet to see any "wild west" shootouts" or "blood flowing in the streets" like the anti's claim.


New member
according to the DPS alcohol related offenses are the number 1 killer of CHLs.....

alcohol and stupidity that is....


New member
How did that gov. get elected, doesn 't sound like a politician to me!

If Texas decides they don't want him... send him to us in S.C.! Hell, we sent you Travis a few years back, it only seems fair.


New member
I have yet to see any "wild west" shootouts" or "blood flowing in the streets" like the anti's claim.

They have pretty much degenerated to screaming and showing pictures of weeping people. They have no serious argument yet that I have seen.

XD 45

New member
Maybe we could get the gov of sc to do something like that. Can we borrow your gov for a while we will bring him back when we are finished with him


New member
They simply listed the currently prohibited places and implied that his statement that specifically addressed campuses and churches was explicitly meant to apply to ALL the prohibited places.

Just to clarify, Churches and hospitals are not prohibited places. Concealed carry is perfectly legal in those places UNLESS they are properly posted with PC30.06. I have seen few hospitals properly posted and never have seen a posted Church.

The reference to "campuses" needs to be considered.

PC §46.03. PLACES WEAPONS PROHIBITED. (a) A person commits
an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly possesses
or goes with a firearm, illegal knife, club, or prohibited weapon
listed in Section 46.05(a):
(1) on the physical premises of a school or educational institution,
any grounds or building on which an activity sponsored by a school or
educational institution is being conducted

Note that it says "physical premises" and "any grounds or builiding" where an activity is taking place.

(1) "Premises" has the meaning assigned by Section 46.035.

(3) "Premises" means a building or a portion of a building. The
term does not include any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk
or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area.

The law does not appear to prohibit carry on all parts of the campus but you'd better be darned certain about where you are and where you're going if you do carry there.


New member
Hey nemesis! See you guys at the SAXET show in SA all the time. Hope to see you there again soon.

One thing I always wondered about was home schools. As I understand it, when you home school, your house becomes the school. Kind of a paradox?