Texas CHL shooting reqs?


New member
I'm gathering info for my Dad on the TX CHL stuff, I'm just curious as to what the shooting drills are for the live fire portion of the CHL class. I know I've foundthis somewhere before but I didn't bookmark.

I've already got the TX DPS site and Packing.org site info.


The shooting test is a joke. The range qualification is more a test of your ability to follow instructions than shooting ability.

I wouldn't worry much about practicing for it but instead focus on the written test part. Sometimes you get questions like "What class misdemeanor do you get charged with if you carry a weapon to a sporting event?"


New member

As far as the test goes, don't sweat that either. Both testers that I went to (original aplication and renewal) went over the test in detail before we picked up the pen to actually take it.