Texas CHL, sending photos electronically


New member
Does anyone know the best method to send the passport photos electronically;

1. Just scan and send as a jpeg?
2. paste to a word document?

The requirement for mailing is pretty clear but sending them electronically is a bit vague, at least to me. How would I ensure they stay 2x2 or does that even matter electronically?


New member
The answer to your question revolves around what the bureau is going to do with the images ... are they intended for print? If so, you should be sure that the resolution is at least 200 dpi, and the dimensions of the image is set at 2" x 2", if that's what's asked for. You can attach the jpg to your email and send that. Pasting into a Word doc only adds another step to the process, and adds more uncertainty to it ... as in, does the receiver have a current version of Word? Good luck.


New member
I thought I read on another chl specific forum that the online submission for scanned docs was only for renewals? There was some ambiguity but one of them had an email from DPS stating such.


New member
They accepted all the documents uploaded even the photo. I think they may have just now started this.

Some of the forums say the same thing, that you have to mail the documents. Even posts just a couple of months ago say they got rejected for uploading the stuff. Mine is just waiting for the background check to complete. I guess that I'm a pioneer in this method LOL, I can't find anyone who had done it yet. Let y'all know how it comes out.