Texas CCW research needed...


New member
I am "debating" the antis at the Denver Post politics discussion site. (Feel free to join there...) I need a source for the claim that since GWB passed the CCW law that crime has been reduced.



New member
John Lott included it in part of research he as done. I believe crime went down 6.5% the first year after the Concealed Handgun Law passed. Yet crime only went down 4.9% the same year in states with no C.H. law. Hope this helps, I'll search for a link to his other research.

NRA Life Member
GSSF Member


Staff Emeritus
Erik, what you want is the UCR, or FBI Uniform Crime Report for the years just prior and after the year the law was passed in Texas.

The UCR will have the crime rate broken down by state, type, etc., etc.,.

I think it may be available via the FBI web-site.


Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Ask on the tx.guns newsgroup.

Or search on the group for Paul Barnett and
Sam Kersh - they stay up on those things.

you could e-mail them.