Texas campus carry passed by Senate!!!

Senator Wentworth managed to attach his CCW bill to university spending legislation with today's vote. He had done this already once this session but the bill's author killed her bill rather than let CCW go forward.

If the amended bill passes the Senate, it will need to go to the House for a vote as well. It is progress though!


New member
Any progress is good and a hopeful sign. Let's keep our fingers crossed for this as well as the other gun-friendly bills still pending.


The TX Senate tends to be more pro-gun than the TX House. For example, the parking lot bill made it through the TX Senate 3 or 4 times in successive legislative sessions before the House finally even let it get to the floor for a vote.

Still, it's progress. This is one of those bills that is primarily opposed by people who have no clue what it actually says/means. The more publicity it gets, the more chances there are to educate people and that usually generates support once people realize what a common sense proposition it is.


New member
Jim March wrote: "Yup. Please edit the title to "passes senate"."


Good one Jim!
From NRA-ILA Alert dated May 10, 2011:

Yesterday, state Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) successfully amended language allowing Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves on public college and university campuses onto Senate Bill 1581, a measure authored by state Senator Steve Ogden (R-Bryan) that reforms finance methods for higher education. The Wentworth amendment was adopted by a 21 to 10 vote and then the underlying bill passed by a 19 to 12 vote. This bill now moves to the House for its consideration with the Wentworth language included. Since the House companion bill, House Bill 3639 by state Representative Jim Pitts (R-Waxahachie), already occupies a slot on the House Calendar, it is expected that SB 1581 could be expedited through the House Appropriations Committee and substituted on the House floor for HB 3639.

It is critical that you contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support the campus personal protection provisions of SB 1581/HB 3639. If you are a Concealed Handgun Licensee - even if you never intend to carry in a campus setting - you should be alarmed at hysterical nature of opponents' arguments against this proposal and their attempts to portray fellow license holders as unlawful and irresponsible criminals! All gun owners and CHLs need to weigh in on this fundamental debate about the right of an individual - especially one who has passed a background check and completed a training course - to protect himself or herself.

Contact information for state Representative can be found here.

Old Bill Dibble

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That didn't take long


A new law went into effect in Texas on Monday that allows certain students to bring guns into classrooms, with supporters saying it could prevent mass shootings and critics saying the measure will endanger safety on campuses.