Texas Ammo Co.


New member
Has anyone here dealy with or used any ammo from this company?

I first heard of it over at www.Glocktalk.com where several members requested loadings for 10mm. I see on thier website they have what they call 10mm Express, 135 grain jhp at 1450, 165 grain jhp at 1350, 200 grain fmj/fn at 1250 fps respectivly. [The 165 grain load should be an excellent one]. Another good duty round as it were.

Also they have a loading called "45 tactical" that is loaded in 45 super cases with a 185 grain slug that has a advertised muzzel velocity of 1200 fps. This loading is a +p load and is advertised as such. This would be a good load for Leo work?

I'm going to purchase some of this ammo and test it out. I will post the results when they are avalible.



If I remember correctly,

The company was formed when Ace Custom got greedy and pulled the license for production of 45 Super from Triton. I think it's run by Ace's lawyer. Ammo is EXPENSIVE.....ball will run an average of 35-45 bucks a box of 50, plus shipping. The only thing I'm sure of is the price of the ammo, but I believe the rest.

I'd definitely suggest comparing the 45 Super to the 450 SMC from Triton when it comes out. I have heard overpressure warnings for some of Texas' full 45 Super loads. Be careful.